Elite: Dangerous Horizons - Points of Interest and Ship Wrecks (plus combat) on Planets

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A brief look at Points of Interest on planets along with the description of how I found them. Also contains some combat with drones.
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ObsidianAnt: Your videos are always very informative and entertaining. Thank you very much for taking the time to share your endeavors with us!


This is looking really awesome to me so far...so excited for launch.
Top quality videos, Obsidian, thank you for going into all the details with us and not to mention the great footage :)


Hey Obsidian. I ran across your channel a few days ago, and ended up watching all of your Elite Dangerous videos. You do an excellent job on them.

I noticed your blue hue HUD, and fell in love with it. I've altered my own HUDs color to a blue as well, but I've just not been able to get it to the brilliant blue hue that you do, without it burning my eyes. I was wondering if you could let me know the color chart in your config for it? :3


the way i find them is usually fly around at 2km to find the zone. then as i approach the zone i drop down to around 300 meters (or until rocks start resolving on the surface)
and fly in a straight line looking out for anything obvious (buildings you can see from a good distance but smaller things like the crashed srv's are harder to spot)

if i have been flying for a few mins and found nothing i pop back up to 2km to check where i am in the zone as it disappears from the radar at about 1.5km (the POI's tend to be near the centre of the zone)

I have real problems with the SRV when trying to tell the minute difference in signals between a rock and a crash site or building

(weirdly enough the metallic meteorites you sometimes find give off a unique sounding blip that makes them very easy to find, same should apply to POI's)

using the ship to find them I think is much easier than using the srv
it also has the added bonus that when you do find the point of interest you land close to it and you won't have to drive your buggy back and forth as far with any cargo you find.

also I don't use the turret on the skimmers. I just target them from the main view and the gimbals will pretty much do the rest. (use vertical thrust also to line them up)


It looks like the basics are in place, and the experience of searching for, finding and recovering salvage just needs to be refined at this point so it looks and feels like you're actually finding cool materials. Is there any purchasable cargo space for the SRV beyond the 2 we saw there? How much cargo will a small buggy be able to carry and will people be constantly schlepping back & forth from their ship to a site? The logistics of planetside operations will probably force us to rethink how we play parts of the game. Interesting times ahead...


Very well done as usual!
Do you plan to do some "Walking around" with your rift and horizon? standing in the debug view of the srv with the rift near your ship must be amazing!


So excited! I love space and this game!


The only person with a voice as calm and soothing as obsidian ant is Morgan Freeman


wao looking really good! in least section, the vastness of area was so apparent, how is performance on your GTX 970?


on my way to the core, I know uve been out there awhile is there any particular beautiful places u would recommend?


I don't know if you will see this but I hope you will. there is a new expedition gathering that I greatly encourage you to find a way to become a part of. with your unrivaled skills in documenting Elite dangerous, this expedition most decidedly needs your voice. the mission of which I speak is the "Distant Worlds" expedition.


Does the sentry disengage?
I landed on one of the planets in Shinrarta Dhezra and came across settlement defended by sentry. I fired at one and the rest attacked me with missles so I decided to run.
They were chasing me for a long time and I had to log out.
I wonder if it's always a situation when you have to destroy them all or can you run away from them?


Nevermind that you'll wonder around for an hour just to find one of these things. And it'd be really neat if the signal animation telling you the area its in didn't disappear the second you landed. First, we wonder around aimlessly for hours looking for random events to pop up in pure blackness. Now, we get to randomly fly around for hours to look for blue circles, then land and wander around some more looking for a white dot.

EDIT: Good to know that materials don't show up in signals, though. So I guess the solution to farming for materials is just wondering around aimlessly finding maybe a few pieces of materials once every two hours or so? I guess Braben is really banking on us having fun jumping the 5 billionth dune as we look for stupid AI and rocks to shoot at.


Can you go out to Anarchy systems, or even far out exploring and do salvage like this? Or does there need to be a population in the system to actually find wrecks?


First time I came across one of these crash sites I ran away, in my defence the planet was dark and it was already creeping me out.


+ObsidianAnt Hey, do you feel like the detail rocks feel out of place on the lighter color planets and the ice worlds? The srv feels amazing and the canyons and mountains, and terrain textures look very good, but when I see all these rocks just every where it kind of takes me out of it, I cant be the only one that feels this way.


What gpu do you have? Looks like your getting a good fps. What settings do you have it on. I have a Gtx 690 and it runs like pants :/


You can find PoIs very easily by increasing the radar range of the ship to the max.


You can find more spots by scanning out with the scanner


There's a bit of an audio sync issue with the turrets at around 3:15, is that an in-game issue or something that cropped up during the video editing?
