Teacing of Righteousness part 4.
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Verry deep and for some a sensetive teaching. But the truth must be brought out in the open. We also look at the plan of the Illuminati, the letter that Albert Pike wrote to his companion Mazzini in 1871.
Facts. ! st world war 1914 - 18. The 2 .nd world war 1939 - 45. and the 3rd world war is ongoing right now. The illuminate was created by Adam Weishaupt in 1791, he was of course a former jesuit.
Their cover up story is that the obelisks represent the missing part of osirus, who was married to the harlot samiramis who after the death of osirus became pregnat by the sun and gave birth to Tamuz.
Facts. ! st world war 1914 - 18. The 2 .nd world war 1939 - 45. and the 3rd world war is ongoing right now. The illuminate was created by Adam Weishaupt in 1791, he was of course a former jesuit.
Their cover up story is that the obelisks represent the missing part of osirus, who was married to the harlot samiramis who after the death of osirus became pregnat by the sun and gave birth to Tamuz.