Lesson 31: Measure Temperature and Humidity Over Wi-Fi using DHT11 and ESP01 SunFounder Kit

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In this lesson we lean how to use ESP8266 module ESP01 to measure temperature and humidity by using DHT11 or DHT22 over Wi-Fi. We first prepare Arduino IDE to be ready for ESP8266 chip, then we program ESP01 module to have LED Blink, our 2nd project is to measure temperature and humidity and display it on the Serial Monitor. Then the 3rd project is to measure temperature and humidity and view it on mobile phone or on computer screen.

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Use Chapters from timeline or click on the time
00:00 start
1:32 What is in this lesson?
2:32 Introduction to web data access
5:46 ESP01s wiring
8:48 Preparing Arduino IDE to work with ESP8266
11:45 Project 1: LED blink with ESP01
13:49 Generating BIN file for LED blink
19:11 wriring bin file into ESP01 module
20:24 Project 2: Reading Temperature and Humidity using DHT11/DHT22 on ESP01
22:31 Installing DHT library and code explained
24:34 Generating bin Binary file and writig it to ESP01
28:32 Project 2: Demonstration
30:07 Project 3: Reading Temperature over Wi-Fi on mobile phone or desktop
36:11 Exporting code to bin binary file and wirig it to ESP01
38:37 Project 3: Demonstration

Tutorial by Ahmad Shamshiri form Canada

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The first tutorial which really shows the full process, very clear, noob proof. Well done, subscribed to your channel.


Excellent. I've been wanting to get a ESP-01 up and running. Thanks


Thank You Soo much For such informative and easily understandable video!!! It was Really cool making it and I really enjoyed listening to your way of teaching it was GREAT!!! Thanks alot for making this video and helping me through this tough project, with your video even the impossible project for me seemed alot possible! Thanks again!!!


Like your videos
Can you do some of your projects on the Arduino IoT cloud platform
I would love to see how you do the Energy Meter there.


The code for the project "Project 3: Reading Temperature over Wi-Fi on mobile phone or desktop" is not available. Can you post it please?


Can we use any other platform to add buttons graphs meaters to disply in phoe more atractively? Explaning and teaching setup is superb clear and simple. Keep it up.


I like your project. Could you do the same, but with more options to turn on/off a device based on temperature and humidity. Thank you again.


Hello, I wanted to thank you for the course, it is very very good, also
I wanted to know when you plan to publish the missing videos and if it is possible to use the Arduino IoT Cloud to drive a robot car, thanks.


Thanks for the video! Is it possible to flash the ESP822 from the Arduino IDE interface directly?


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In most of the YouTube videos that teach the use of Arduino in the field of CNC There is a gap... in how to connect the drawing programs used to design what we want to make a hole or draw it with and then convert it into a language or programming with Arduino Would you kindly address this gap, in your own easy way And thanks in advance
