Sheep walk in death circle for 2 weeks!

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#ScaryStories #NathanBarnatt
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Ants are known to do a circle of death when one broken ant strays from course and their scent leads other ants to follow. And so they wind up walking in one big circle until they die of exhaustion. Behaviourally very similar. And kind of also reminds me of that village in France hundreds of years ago where everyone experienced hysteria and danced to their death. The fact only one pen is affected would suggest an occam’s razor type scenario where there’s something environmental in that pen. A virus or shared psychosis or something? I’m no expert but I feel like if there was impending doom all the sheep would be acting weird.


A lot of ungulates and herd animals like cows have very tuned organs that are used for directional awareness. Their noses basically point them north. Theres a phenomenon observed of fields of cows all facing the same direction. Its possible this organ is being disturbed in some ways, like experiments along the lines of super colliders, weather experiments, etc, heck, the worlds poles are slowly reversing, so it possible that could also be it, or even a magnetic storm from the sun.


There’s a phenomenon called a reindeer cyclone where herds of reindeer move in massive circles.
it’s thought that they do this to avoid predation.


For the past couple of weeks I've had news articles about the sheep recommended to me. But, I haven't seen anyone else aside from a few news outlets cover the story. Thanks for putting it out there.


This is gonna be a small novel, sorry in advance. My in-laws own a sheep farm, I've lived there occassionally and helped them take care of their sheep over the past 18 years, and I have a few insights/ideas. The pen shown in the video is surprisingly plain and lacks anything for the sheep to interact with, besides each other, so these sheep are likely incredibly bored. If they are kept in this same pen for a majority of their life without any chance to leave the pen to roam around or graze, they may be incredibly frustrated as well as bored. It's possible one sheep was tired of wandering from wall to wall, having to stop and change direction, that they simply became annoyed and decided to walk in a circle so they could actually walk for an extended period without being interrupted by a wall. It's likely the others noticed and joined in just for the thrill of something new to do, though I noticed not all were participating. Some were just watching them go around like they were watching a movie. It seems like a majority decided to join in, like they had discovered a fun new game. I've seen similar behavior with one of my in-laws flocks. When one of the sheep in that particular flock starts doing something new, like chewing on a particular fence post, pretty soon most of the rest of the flock are doing the same. They'll do it for days until they all either get bored or find another thing to chew on/mess with. Not all sheep in that flock follow this "monkey see monkey do" type of mentality, there is always a small group off to the side staring at the rest, similar to the sheep in this video. The only thing that I can't seem to figure out is why the sheep in the video are going one specific direction. It's likely that the first sheep to start the behavior just picked that direction. The continuation of that direction could be simply that at any one given time there are enough sheep participating to keep it going, or it could be a hoax. Unless all the footage could be viewed, uncut, I'm likely to believe that it's possible that the sheep stop circling at some point. Sheep typically are not active at night, so if they are doing this non-stop, that's a red flag for me. One or more sheep could have a mental defect (possibly from inbreeding) that causes them to behave differently. The severe facial deformities shown immediately reminded me of parrot mouth, a jaw deformity, which can be a side effect of breeding sheep that are too closely related. If you are doing too much inbreeding with a flock of sheep, more and more physical deformities show up, and that's what those "human faced" sheep look like to me, just normal sheep with severe facial birth defects. Okay, novel concluded, thanks for reading! ❤


Reminds me of ant mill or "death spiral", where ants lose track of which one they're supposed to be following and end up walking endlessly in a big circle until they die of starvation


Just another glitch in the matrix we live in, a patch will probably fix this


They are fans of Dad. They know Dad is infinite so their walking is infinite.

Also Happy Thanksgiving Nathan!


It is kinda creepy, it could be something to do with DMT poisoning/sheep staggers or a nervous system related illness but the issue is, these things tend to kill in far quicker timespans.

There is the possibility it's a hoax or just a pattern they have associated with after being fed in a circle over the years, but the sheep doing this along side excess ring of fire earthquake activity is definitely strange.


Imagine the sheep were walking
Why do I always end up watching these at like 2am? 😵‍💫


I've been wanting to see more information about this sheep pen. And your level of scientific investigation combined with speculation was well matched. Very enjoyable. Thx Nathan


👀 well, alrighty then. Circling sheep seems like a Monty Python bit 😂


My thoughts: they've been doing shit like this for 100s of thousands of years. It is intriguing.


I love that you're doing creepy stories now. Perhaps you will be the next Art Bell. That man is a legend. RIP Art.


Since I'm obsessed with mandalas and everything circular ...
I'll guess this has been going on for years off-camera, with any group of animals inside an enclosed square. Old concept called squaring the circle. Sacred geometry.


I have seen this kind of behaviour in goats before and is apparently common in deers and elks. I remember an incident in which a group of deer ( I don't remember correctly) circle apparently got "stuck by lightning" (👽). Ants also do a death circle in which they start to walk in circles till they starve and die


This is a situation where the real answer is more interesting than the alternative... Like, nature beats creepy pasta everyday


Looking good in that shirt! Those sheep remind me of the death ant circle. I think it might be ant genetics injected in them maybe.


Please don't stop doing these. Just found this series and your narration is so good. Definetly something i'd listen as a full playlist
