Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown (PC) | Mission 17: Homeward

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Ace mode, all S ranks, all named aces, and on PC with the best settings I currently have. Nothing but the absolute best for all of you. Please, enjoy.
Description below.


There's better missions in AC7 than this. There's better soundtracks than this. There's missions that advance the story further and better, even. But none of them comes close to this one in terms of ambiance.

This mission is positively heroic.

Last Hope set the stage; Homeward takes it to its full potential. Utter chaos. Oseans, conservatives, radicals, researches, civilians... and us. But we have a luxury the others don't have: knowing who we are and where we stand. Well, and Trigger. And so our ragtag band who came to this island to find salvation end up, without a second thought, to become the saviors themselves, the big damn heroes, simply because we're the only ones who can. The radio script is especially effective at driving this home - in that respect, it might be the best in the series.

A note to say a good bit of the dead time can be made useful by going after targets first and handling the mooks afterwards.

The Rafale guides us through this storm. AC7 is strange in that I normally follow the aircraft progression, but here I find myself mixing it up. But of course, it's my choice to give it this high a stage.

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12:10 They even modeled Rosa's downed plane, that's quite the attention to detail, I've never noticed that.


With that look on your face Trigger, I know what you want to do.

*Trigger demands blood*


The pre-mission cutscene was honestly the most feels cutscene in the game. Actually, this whole board is pretty feels. The next board, however, is a different story. Farewell JPEG dog, may his soul dance with the angels.


Throwback to Ace Combat 5, Mission 6 anyone?


Time to Tuga uploads showing his amazing skills
Who needs sleep anyway


RIP JPEG Doggo, he was a model good boy to the end! O7
A black Rafale with the Voslage emblem, now why does that look so familiar? If it's a reference to me, it's much appreciated! If it isn't... Good taste there, buddy! :D
Also nice to see you use LAAMs there too, I really like using them in this mission, they're great at taking out the bombers and the supply ships!
I really like this mission overall, the music really reinforces the epicness of the situation and the desperation of your allies as they do their best to survive.
Also "The Rafale guides us through this storm", ah, Tuga, you wield words ever so beautifully, my friend.


Music from the briefing is memorable. Like the soundtrack of Detroit: Become Human.

Tyler Island became the site of one of the most interesting battles in AC7. Mainly through chaos and confusion between the fighting parties.
And in the middle of this storm is a fighter whose name in his country of origin means "squall."

Dassault Rafale M - an on-board version of the French fighter that can switch from one mission to another in one mission. M only uses Aeronavale. In turn, C and B, in addition to France, also uses Egypt. Recently, Qatar received his first fighter of this type. Soon, Rafale will also go to India. It's time for Rafale C, B and the proposed reconnaissance version (R) to join AC7.

PS: the special skin refers to the prototype copy of Rafale C.


14:31 “Stop Fluttering About And Stay Glued To My Ass!” Wiseman!!! 😂


I loved this track because Mantis was a bitch for me to get. You always make it look so easy. I hope I get as good as you one day :3


the opening scene is a bit So Scrap Queen knew our "poor girl" is Rosa, but how about the others? The whisper hinted Scrap Queen was hiding her identity?


I do wonder what would the LRSSG do if they do end up taking Count's suggestions and going to Megalith instead of Tyler Island? We don't know if the superstructure is still usable but the only possibility I could possibly think of is using the airfield that was used to host the old defense squadron


0:01 is that....the mass driver...?

10:38 is the mass driver.


Why would they need to use the mass driver to deliver a payload to the Arsenal Bird when the Arsenal Bird never goes to space?


God i hate this mission. Especially the bomber segment. Your "allies" shoot down none of the escorts, meaning you have to dodge all their damn missiles on your own while trying to ID the good bombers.

And worst is that there no checkpoint before the bomber event. Meaning you have to restart the whole damn mission everytime you get killed by missiles or miss a single bomber.

And even if you kill the bombers you get no checkpoint meaning if you die while continuing your objective (And getting pepper-sprayed by the whole fucking Erusian's missile and AA budget because none of your so-called "allies" can do a single kill), you gotta restart the whole mission AGAIN.

Fuck this mission.


So is the PC version a Steam release or can I buy a hard copy? Because that's much easier.


8:48, how did u shift the camera like that? Is there an auto camers lock?


Sorry but I dont have much sympathy for Princess Elise. This war is just as much her fault as well.


You can't blow up mass-driver nor mass-driver ships until they tell you to do so. Stupid mission setting again.
