You already have your answers, Here's How

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Here's a writing exercise I have been doing for over a year now that has allowed me to access the best answers from within. It's very simple and you will surprise yourself with it. Subscribe for more videos like these :)

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Music (made by me) Info:
Title: Dream On (Theme Song)
Artist: Tozak

Journaling, Writing, Answers, Self Improvement, Life Advice, mental clarity, inspiration

Gear I used:
Canon 80d
Sigma f1.8 18-35 mm
LCT 440 PURE mic
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This resonates with a pharse of Miyamoto Musashi "There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself"
And also i find it similar to an idea which idk the original author, which states "Writing is not the outcome of thinking, Writing is the medium in which thinking takes place" which i belive one can benefit of arranging better thoughts with this excersise


Real, minimal editing, 5mins to the point. World needs more content like this. One practical video to add to your tool kit. Brother keep doing what you, re doing. Blowing up soon.


This is one of the best advices I've ever seen on Youtube. I've personnaly experienced it but a bit deeper : I've spent 3 days to do nothing but write. That means that when I had nothing to write, I was still, sat on the floor. Not in a meditation way, but chilling way. This is an extremely deep process, where I've written about 200 pages, and came out totally changed, accepted everything about me, let go of a lot of things. I recommand to everyone to do it. Thanks Tozak for sharing this video!


"Sometimes it's a matter of just doing the things that we already know." is so difficult to grasp and apply but so crucial imo.


This is possibly the best articulation of “why you should write/journal” i’ve ever heard. Great job man.


Same applies for right before bed. Life changing. You go to sleep having tapped into something I can’t put into words. Then wake up feeling this superhuman wisdom and power that you couldn’t have gotten from anywhere else in the world. You enable and tap into a full security with yourself and there is nothing stronger, and you stop going to others for help


This is genius. My creative writing professor taught me this. And that book is absolutely amazing and I highly recommend it. This works. You will write things you never ever could have imagined. It won’t even feel like you wrote it, you’ll be so surprised.


I’ve been doing this since jr high when one of my English teachers taught this. She taught us to try to focus on something else while our hand was writing— that way you’re truly pulling from the *unconscious* mind and getting the conscious mind out of the way by distracting it…After some practice you’ll be amazed at what comes out of you… either amazing writing, ideas, deep solid intuitions, answers or solutions to problems etc . You can even get an idea of some deep seated beliefs you have about yourself and the world and what’s holding you back (fears etc) . It’s pretty crazy how it all works and is one of the best ways of “communication” we have with the sub/unconscious.


Great post kid, Im 59, been drawing and painting since 5yrs old. stopped about 10 yrs ago since my father passed, trying hard to get back into my art. I have my daytime job for 38 yrs now but I am planning on retiring so I can pursue my passion in Art (Portraits mainly) watched many videos and read so many books. but, came across yours, and I must say you just jump-started my mind from procrastination. thanks kid.


It’s also about the practice of just doing it without judging yourself, which carries over to whatever creative outlet you have


I started doing this about 2 weeks ago and it's really helped in so many areas of my life. I even notice that I'm less anxious when journaling, because I'm actually working on something that I enjoy, instead of just thinking about doing it, but being too afraid to start.


I’ve been doing this for years and this has healed me deeply.


Writing was literally the reason why my Panik attacks stopped


I don't normally write comments here on YouTube, but this video came to me at a crittical time in my life. I so appreciate you, and what you've done with this video. It serves as an inspiration to some of us who considering making changes, and are afraid of making mistakes. We do already know the answers. Thank you for that reminder, and thanks for the video.✅💯


I am so glad your video popped up in the feed. I’m 76 and used to journal. I know exactly what you’re saying—so many unexpected thoughts I wrote down didn’t always speak to me until I read them later. Sometimes I was astounded at a revelation that seemed to appear out of nowhere, but I recognized it. There is something profound and magical about writing down one’s thoughts. It’s a way of getting to know ourselves. Sometimes poetry flowed out of some deep reservoir of creativity, or a song seemingly write itself. You have inspired me to start again. Thank you!


I learned about 'Morning pages' through Artist's Way. In the book, she says to not read it, but I learned that by going back and outlining / highlighting "aha" moments will actually give you clarity on what you need to focus on or give you direction in a enlightening way. You don't have to be spiritual, this is your inner self guiding you.


this is genuinely the best video I've seen this year. My life changed so much this year and I was always so confined in my mind. I started journaling about a week or so ago and everything just spills onto the paper. It is the most beautiful and therapeutic thing I've ever done for myself and I'm telling you from someone who would always keep their thoughts inside and was very confined that you can come out too. I would always try and talk to other people who probably weren't in the right head space to give advice or to talk about whatever I was dealing with. I realized that sometimes you really gotta sit down and talk with yourself.


The first 5 seconds of watching this I can tell your going to become a great YouTuber


It fills my heart with warmth and joy to see a young person to be spiritual and what' s within. It' s all you have, and no matter if you live in a castle, what you have it' s within you.


Tozak I'd like to suggest that the gut feeling isn't always right but that it always has something important to say. By listening to it we hone our learning.
