ml5.js: What is a Convolutional Neural Network Part 1 - Filters
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0:00 Introduction
1:28 Review neural networks
3:34 Flattenng the image causes a loss of information
4:18 Convolutional layer
4:37 Filter
5:08 Gradient based learning
6:21 Filter is a matrix of numbers
6:59 Photoshop
7:14 Known filters draw out different features
8:59 Neural network learn filters that identify features
10:25 Blurring an image
11:12 Coding a convolutional neural network in p5js
11:56 Create a filtered image
13:10 Ignore the edge pixels
13:42 Convolution function
15:28 Finding the one-dimensional look-up into matrix
16:16 Four numbers are stored for every pixel
16:36 Sum r, g, b values
20:46 Multiply by filter
22:37 Get filtered pixels
23:13 Call loadPixels
23:34 Call updataPixels
24:40 Change the indices to find vertical edges
26:11 Add a random filter
Editing by Mathieu Blanchette
Animations by Jason Heglund
Music from Epidemic Sound
#convolutionalneuralnetwork #machinelearningml #ml5js #p5js