A question so 'shrewd' it caught the attention of Buffett and Munger at the annual meeting in 1996
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Victor Lipoma is from the Virgin Islands and is asking about the asset allocations of Jayco, an insurance company that merged with Berkshire Hathaway. He is interested in how the asset allocation decisions at Jayco are being made following the merger, particularly in comparison to Geico, another insurance company owned by Berkshire Hathaway. The person responsible for managing the investments at Geico is Lewis Simpson, who has done a "fabulous job" running the investments since 1979. Simpson now has the ability to do whatever he wants with the investments at Geico, thanks to the support of Berkshire Hathaway. However, if Simpson were to take on a different investment configuration, Berkshire Hathaway would make arrangements to ensure that the policyholders at Geico are protected. Simpson has been successful in his role under the old system, but may be even better under the new system.