sleepwalk || MEME /PMV

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this may be one of the biggest video projects i've done arms are failing me atm oh god


happy halloween yall :)


this is more of a PMV then an "animation meme", but still

song: Forrest Day - Sleepwalk

used: flipaclip, medibang paint, after effects, chiffon plushie , two of my fingers and 4 years of lifespan


*PLEASE, DON'T use my animation in compliations,reviews mashups ect WITHOUT my permission!! *

you can contact me on

my instagram: @sir_fluffbutts

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oh just to note!!!
CHIFFON DIDN'T KILL THE CAT!! chadder (cheese) died due to roadkill, he just....brought him back 😊


Chiffon’s little smile is creepy sure, but his grin is the definition of terrifying


my man chiffon got his eyes and his relationship with latte SHATTERED.


The fact chiffon is legit smart enough to re-animate the dead when he is an infant is terrifying



Chiffon: • ‿ •


Ok, my theory is that Chiffon realised that taking Cheese from the grave might get Muffin's attention by either Cheese being in the window or general noticing the cat somewhere, and figured the best way to avoid his interference was to drop the vase on Muffin to kill him. But Latte witnessed him digging up Cheese. Chiffon still went with the plan to kill Muffin, but Latte took the vase for him and neither one died.
So then Chiffon might've realised that while Muffin still had to die some other day (and probably had a few other failed attempts to kill Muffin we haven't seen yet), Latte was an issue now as well. But possibly a more interesting one.

We see in the Peppermint and FML memes that Chiffon does enjoy messing around with Latte, in cruel or just typical sibling banter. Chiffon doesn't want Latte dead because he's interesting. Muffin is just in the way, or bothersome.

So Chiffon threatens Latte with Cheese being half dead after failing to kill Muffin with the vase, to keep Latte quiet. But still wanted Muffin dead as a kid, but as they grew up probably only tried to kill Muffin in the car "accident" to get Latte to react in some way, probably as Latte and Muffin's brotherly bond got annoying, or in the way.

Plus Muffin in general would be seen as an issue due to him actually caring for his brothers a lot, and probably kept in touch or did surprise visits to Chiffon's house, interrupting his work


Cheddar is lowkey terrifying in this! From the slow burn reveal if the reanimated cat to the unsettling design of exposed flesh and blood, it genuinely caught me off guard when I first watched this. I love how slowly it’s revealed too! First you see the aftermath, then you see the shadow of its tail, with Chiffons reflection shown multiple times to show it’s his doing. Then the jittery movement of it walking, the sewn up back of it’s head, the dead eyes, and the back half of it’s body still having tire tracks over it, this feels like it’s out of a horror movie. Good work Sir Fluf.


Muffin feels so genuinely hurt about Cheddar's death, my heart just melts everytime


really like how this cat after being reanimated seems relatively calm.


So if people weren’t scared of Chiffon before, they sure are now-


I mean, sure the cat looks scary but we need to talk about how Chiffon actually managed to bring him back. That's damn impressive for a young aspiring mad scientist


Imagine how depressed Latte must be:
-He severely injured his eye as a kid(which might have resulted in it being red)
-His cat dies from roadkill
-His little brother is a psychopath
-He gets approached by a dead cat that was brought back to life by his little brother but was still mangled
-His older brother is in a hospital because of an accident that had something to do with his little brother
-He knows that his younger brother had something to do with the accident but he cant do anything about it because he has no proof

Edit: nvm turns out he was born with the red eye :p


you gotta give him props, he is like a baby but somehow learned advanced biology


okay so basically this is what i got from this video:

muffin's cat cheese dies (based off the pinned comment) he died from getting hit by a car (later on it also looks like there's a car track on him and the back half of him is flattened)
muffin has to bury the cat and he goes back into the house crying while dragging latte along.
then there's the head bopping transition thing.
these are *always* with chiffon and latte, and i'm going to assume that they're supposed to represent how latte thinks of chiffon after each scene. in the first head bouncing one, latte is looking at chiffon, probably confused at how he doesn't look scathed at how the cat died. for this one, its not lineless and the colors aren't altered at all, with a neon orange background.
later, latte is in the kitchen with a maid, looking out of the window. it looks like chiffon hadn't moved at all.
then we see muffin mourning over the cat in bed, looking at a picture of him and the cat, while latte and a maid watches.
presumably when it's night the same day, latte goes to get a glass of water from the kitchen. he then sees chiffon digging up the grave. (which implies he hadn't moved the entire day which is.. scariest part about this honestly)
chiffon gets to the coffin then goes to stare straight at latte, implying that he saw him watching.

then there's another head bopping transition. the colors are dulled considerably, and the background is a grayish blue color. for some reason, latte has the bandage over his eye (which we will see the cause of in the next scene). the two of them also are not next to each other in this segment, like the last one. it seems like latte looks more scared of chiffon in this, not suspicious. he's seemingly terrified of him
next, we see latte with his eye bleeding profusely. there's shards of a vase and random flowers around him, so we can assume that a vase dropped on his eye and shattered, causing the injury. muffin is watching and, understandably, freaked out.
on the shelf above, we see chiffon's tail, heavily implying he dropped the vase.
it seems like chiffon wanted to injure the person it hit, or to kill the person the vase hit.
next, we have latte in the kitchen again, getting another glass of water, as it flashes back to what caused latte's injury. from this, it looks like chiffon intended to hurt muffin with it instead of latte.
latte seems to notice this and, when you connect the pieces together and taking into account muffin's position in the scene before, that he shoved muffin out of the way and took the hit, damaging his eye.
back to later, when it's night again and he's getting water, he turns around in surprise and drops the glass, as his dead pet cat is now crawling towards him at an alarming rate.
the undead cat stares up at latte and we can see chiffon again, in the doorway where the cat came from. he makes a shushing motion, then grins and makes a slitting throat motion. we're going to assume that he meant "stay quiet, or you get killed for real, this time." we can also interpret this as "stay quiet or muffin actually dies this time."

now we have latte sitting in front of a mirror, a maid unbandaging his eye and combing his hair down so it's over the injury. latte doesn't look very happy, probably because he got his life threatened by a toddler.
a lot of people in the comments interpret muffin and latte running as them going to run away from chiffon, but this doesn't make sense. as we can see latte probably didn't tell muffin anything at all, and they're also wearing backpacks. we can also say the scene before was him getting ready for school.
chiffon's not coming because i think he's too young to go to school. at least he has the company of his formerly dead cat, right?
now for the last part, we see the window he's looking out of is the window from his room. in his room we see a whole host of disturbing things; a heart, snake and some kind of hairless rodent in a jar, an operating table with belts attached, seemingly to hold the subject down, and a bunch of medical supplies. we can interpret this as the place where the cat got operated on. there's also a diagram of a cat's body on the wall next to the operating table.

next we have another head bopping segment, the last one. latte's eyes are closed in this one, maybe implying his forced silence about what chiffon is doing. he is turning a blind eye, quite literally. for this one, they're next to each other in some portion of it. then it fades to black, and that's the end of the video.

what a lovely, family friendly short!

p.s this is actually amazing, sir fluff, and i found it super fun to over-analyze it :D


The way the cat moved towards the white axolotl. It’s just amazing, the beat is on point. I love how u added so much detail to the cat. Amazing!! I’m obsessed. The beat with everything is on point.


That cat was surprisingly TERRIFYING when it ran in the kitchen. This must’ve been super fun to animate!


all the murder, blood, and horror aside, Chiffon is a genius. he’s able to bring a dead cat back to... ‘life’, even if in a sick and twisted way


Such a wholesome cute axolotl dude. I watched this with my family, and they all left speechless 😊 10/10


so I've just discovered your channel, my first thought was that I would die for the little pink axolotl, and this meme has made me realise that I don't have a choice


Omfg at the part where chiffon smiles (teethshowing) at 2:15 I got the biggest goodebumps
Damn dude you did an fantastic job at this💅✨✨
