COME: Teach Your Dog to Come when Called (Reliable Recall!)

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Restrained Recall Training (The Party Recall!)
Before Training “Recall”: You should have trained the “Name Game”, “Hand Target”
and collar grab before training your recall.
Hand Signal: There is no hand signal for the recall but some will choose to put out their “target” hand so their dog has a clear indicator of where they should be coming to.
Voice Cue: Pick a special word that you don’t say in everyday life. Most people overuse the word “come” so their dog tends to ignore it. Instead pick something like “NOW”, “CHARGE” or anything else you will remember in an emergency situation.
Motivation: Here we are creating a conditioned emotional response (CER) in the dog’s brain of wanting to get to you when they hear your recall word. Dogs are typically intrinsically motivated to chase you. You need to be fun and exciting and your dog will associate fun and exciting things with you and coming to you. If you do not put effort into making yourself fun now, your dog will not perform when the recall is more difficult (say off a squirrel). The food or the toy should just be a bonus for your dog. The real fun of coming is getting to play and be with you!
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One of the wisest phrases I’ve ever heard from a dog trainer - “Your dog does not learn from repeated failure.” I gotta get busy working on this “recall party” with my Super Sophie … she is the queen of distractions and ignoring me when I call her. Getting a new 25-foot tie out today … have yummy freeze dried chicken hearts … I have the tools to work the plan … party recall training shall commence this evening - wandering “wild” kitties, hopping froggies, and skittering spiders be damned - Super Sophie is gonna learn to come to Momma when she is called! Thank you Laura, Jake, and Whip for another great training video❣️ I watched it all the way through, booped the like button, and added this comment … Laura - you have ME WELL TRAINED … LOLOL🤣❣️From: June🤠 & Sophie🦮💜🌈


i don't mean to sound dramatic, but if my childhood dog had been trained in this (and/or "wait") he probably would have got to die of old age. it really is an important skill and i think it's easy to overlook it as a *skill* because it feels like a given that a dog who loves you will want to come to you when they hear their name. at the time, as a kid, i basically thought training was just for tricks. it makes me sad. but im glad this basic information is more common knowledge now and videos like these can help people learn how to teach and strengthen these skills. thanks for helping keep dogs safe 💜


I have an akbash, pretty stubborn and hyper independent, 3.5 months. Only way I get her to come in play time off leash is when I start running and she chases me for play. Then it's quite occasional but most of the times, she just takes off sniffing and impossible then to recall her. I guess I should keep her on leash. I tried this exercise, it was funny she just laid down at the feet of my mum, wondering what the hell I wanted!


Too bad I can’t run anymore, I used to run away from my dogs and they loved it. I’ve had to change tactics.


You share so many tips and details I never heard before!! I just found your channel a few hours ago but can't stop watching 😂 I didn't think anyone can show anything new, I worked with so many trainers and watched so many channels. I wish I found your channel years ago!!!! ♥


This reminds me of the old video "Really Reliable Recall" (esp the long drawn out reinforcers, different cue, with my late Corgi I used "Ya--hooo here"). She was a puppy mill rescue dog with a horrible history. It did work.


I will definitely try this with my dog!! Thanks so much.

Can you do a video on how to pack and what treats you pack for your dog when you’re out hiking? Thank you!


I’m going to practice this with my Hazel! Xx Chelsey


hi! how do you introduce the "tone" in a collar?


I've been looking on you channel for the name game. Do you have a link to referenced video? You have a lot of great information on your channel. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!


What if you can't run due to medical problems?


Just to clarify: is this game to teach a recall cue that is ONLY to be used in emergency situations, or with the recall cue we want them to respond to on a regular basis, ex. out on a walk with them?


Could saying your dog's name be the recall trigger for them


Where do you get your stands for your dogs ? I am working with my puppies they are 4 months old in an indoor arena with sand . Any suggestions they seem to drop the food often and eat a bit of sand and get upset stomach .
