Mama I’m a Criminal 10 Hours

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Slowed + Reverb and it's just a smoking caterpillar.

10HoursMovies centers upon quality edited contents. We take into consideration the footages used, the relevance they have to match the songs and the whole pacing of the story for each videos, creating original entertainments for the best fans!

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At 7:31:49 when he said 'Mama I'm a criminal' was inspiring yet truly heartbreaking. A masterpiece.


This video tells a lot about society, also this video goes hard


8 year olds after stealing a chocolate bar:


This is a Netflix drama show starring Chris Pratt as the caterpillar, the show is about a young lad named Jesse confessing to his mom about how he is part of the mafia and how he helped Walter white make some sugar and scammed some guy in Mexico and he used the money to invest in bitcoin and then lost it all and had to live in the streets of Florida, he befriended a crocodile and a Kagoro which he later named Quandale and Clyde. Together Jesse, Quandle, and Clyde made it their goal to eliminate queen Elizabeth and become the emperor of the brits and to eat all the fish~n~chips in all of London, but after the queen's demise, they were locked in prison and were each sentenced to 69 years in prison... 69 years later, our hero's arose from prison and took over all the royals and finally became the emperors of all England and France because while they were imprisoned, the UK got France back in there place The end...
Part 2!!!!
Jesse the caterpillar, Quandle the crocodile, and Clyde the Kangaroo were the emperors of Britain for many years but never felt accomplished. Jesse always had the biggest room in the palace out of anyone. Quandle had a swamp-like room with consistent serving. He felt as if there were never enough fish’n’chips in England to feed him. Clyde never wanted anything big or fancy, Clyde was a simple person, and people would say he was the smartest out of the 3. Clyde has come out to say that he has an IQ of 157. Though being the kings of Britain each of them never felt like they had enough. Quandle was always a hungry lad, but he felt as if all the food he eats every day wasn't enough for him, he did research to find where to find the best food for someone like him, but he could not find an answer until he discovered Ohio. Clyde is a good person in general not counting his actions in prison, clyde was more of a giver than a receiver. Clyde and Jesse were never complaining about wanting more, but something stuck with them as all their power and fame had changed them, as a result, they felt as if they needed more territory. When Quandales fascination with Ohio grew stronger, he mentioned it to Jesse and Clyde, and they were flabbergasted by his words, Jesse and Clyde looked at each other with open eyes, and they both smiled. After hours of discussion, they had a plan, they talked amongst each other of the most brilliant plan, no one would ever suspect, Britain wanted to go to war with Ohio. Jesse, Quandle, and Clyde divided the troops into three groups that they would each control, Jesse would be in charge of ground troops, Quandle in charge of water troops, and Clyde would be in charge of Air troops. They all agreed with each other that the mission would be top secret until the war was to start. The mission was agreed to start on June 17, 2023, at 8:36 AM. The troops were getting ready to go, and as 8:36 hit the clock, a loud siren was buzzing in the background, the troops went and then the mission finally began. In total, 3 million troops went to war that day, and many men and women lost their lives that day, but the mission wasn't only benefiting Jesse, Quandle, and Clyde, but was benefiting the whole country, everyone was complaining about how little space they had, most of England was filled with tea shop. 3:42 PM June 18th, They all had little information on how the war was going so far, but then came in an email. *Commander Angelyne: Sir, we have invaded Ohio, they are losing so far, it looks like a bright future for our people, one small step for us, one big leap for bo'ohw'o'wo'er*.
From the looks of things Jesse, Quandale, and Clyde, thought of going and helping in the war, while preparing for the war, they all made a machine that could be used in war, and each one of them went to the battlefield with them, as they all were making there way to Columbus the capital of Ohio, Clyde had been a brave man, he leads the whole British army to the capital, destroying anything coming his way, but the Ohio military had a secret weapon to use. The battle between Ohio and England seemed like it would be a major loss in the history of Ohio, in battlefield every soldier saw a plane coming at the speed of sound, towards them, Ohio had nothing else to lose, so they decided to send the worst atomic bomb is history, “Nikocado Avocado”. The bomb was falling from the plane, everyone ran for their lives, Jesse and Quandle were in the clear as they were the farthest, as the bomb was falling with deep screeching sounds, piercing the sounds of the air, they both realized Clyde was still in the capitol, the nuke exploded. The whole British army was nearly wiped out by the nuke, and only a few thousand soldiers were still fighting but it was too late, Ohio already sent in more bombing planes, and the announcement was later made to retreat from Ohio and go back to Britain. Jesse and Quandle were devastated at the loss of their dearest friend, they later surrendered to Ohio, Britain was fortunate enough to have Ohio not want to get any other territory as they were only defending themselves. Jesse and Quandale held a funeral for Clyde. Jesse was crying due to his stupidity knowing it was his fault for letting the war happen. October 11th, 2023, Jesse had been working with a team of researchers to find the most radioactive bomb possible, they discovered how to make it, and they later did make it, though it had been 3 months since his friend's death, he was still was angry, so with the bomb, Jesse got on a plane, he took the nuke. Later that day, Ohio was nuked by Britain, which in return started a new war, nicknamed, “The war Vengeance”.


That "Mama I'm a Criminal" at 11:26 hits hard


When he confessed to his mother that he was a criminal, emotions started to hit hard 😔


Finally, after 1000 years, humanity has come to this masterpiece


When he told his mom he was a criminal, I felt that 😔🤚


In the evocative chords and lyrical tapestry of this extraordinary musical composition, there lies a profound exploration of the human experience that transcends the boundaries of conventional songwriting. From the initial notes that resonate, a complex narrative unfolds, weaving through the contours of emotion, morality, and self-discovery. This song, a true masterpiece in every sense, speaks to the depths of the soul, leaving an indelible mark on the listener's psyche. The opening strains of the melody are a gateway to a sonic journey, an exploration that goes beyond mere auditory pleasure. It's as if the music possesses a language of its own, a language that communicates with the listener on an emotional and visceral level. The introductory chords set the tone for a composition that is not content with mere entertainment; rather, it seeks to engage with the complexities of the human condition. The lyrics, laden with meaning and nuance, become a vehicle for a poignant narrative. The confession, subtly embedded in the verses, becomes a powerful declaration—an admission of imperfections, a reckoning with the shadows that lurk within. It is not a proclamation of guilt but an acknowledgment of the multifaceted nature of existence, where the dichotomy of virtue and vice, light and shadow, converge in the crucible of self-awareness. As the composition progresses, the thematic depth becomes increasingly apparent. The imagery painted by the lyrics is vivid and resonant, evoking a myriad of emotions and inviting the listener into a contemplative space. It's a testament to the songwriter's ability to craft a narrative that transcends the specificities of personal experience, resonating with a universal human struggle for identity and acceptance. One of the defining features of this composition is its capacity to tap into the listener's soul, establishing an intimate connection that transcends the artist-listener dynamic. The emotive delivery of the vocals, combined with the nuanced instrumentation, creates an immersive experience. It's more than a song; it's a conduit for emotions, a vessel that carries the listener through the highs and lows of a profound introspective journey. The chorus, with its repetition of a central confession, becomes a thematic anchor—an emotional refrain that reverberates with a haunting beauty. It encapsulates the essence of the song, echoing the complexity of the human experience. The repetition is not a mere stylistic choice but a deliberate artistic device, emphasizing the central theme and allowing it to seep into the listener's consciousness. On a personal level, the impact of this composition is profound and enduring. It becomes a companion through moments of solitude, a soundtrack to introspection, and a source of solace during tumultuous times. Its timeless quality is such that it seems to grow and evolve alongside the listener, adapting to the changing landscapes of their own life journey. The song becomes intertwined with personal memories, creating an emotional resonance that transcends the boundaries of time. The thematic richness of the song invites contemplation on the nature of 'criminality, ' both in the societal and personal realms. It questions the established norms and challenges the listener to reassess preconceived notions of right and wrong. The narrative unfolds as a multidimensional exploration, delving into the intricacies of the human psyche and the perpetual quest for self-understanding. The sonic landscape created by the arrangement is a masterpiece in itself. The instrumentation, dynamic shifts, and tonal textures mirror the ebb and flow of life, creating a sonic journey that complements the lyrical narrative. The artist's choice of musical elements contributes to the overall emotional impact, enhancing the listener's engagement with the song's thematic depth. As the song progresses, it becomes evident that it is not bound by the limitations of a specific genre. It defies categorization, embracing a musical fluidity that mirrors the complexity of the human experience it seeks to encapsulate. Elements of rock, melancholy, and introspective balladry converge to form a unique amalgamation that challenges traditional norms, urging the listener to engage with the music on a deeper, more contemplative level. The composition's cultural significance extends beyond individual listening experiences. It becomes a cultural artifact—a work of art that reflects and contributes to the broader societal discourse. Its exploration of societal judgments, internal conflicts, and the pursuit of individuality resonates with themes that transcend cultural and temporal boundaries. In a world quick to label and categorize, this composition stands as a beacon of authenticity, inviting listeners to embrace the complexity of the human narrative. As the song approaches its culmination, there is a palpable sense of catharsis—an emotional release that is not contingent on tidy resolutions but on the acceptance of the inherent contradictions within. It is a musical journey that acknowledges the perpetual struggle for selfhood, the pursuit of authenticity, and the acknowledgment of the messy, imperfect beauty inherent in the human experience. In the aftermath of this sonic odyssey, the listener is left with more than just a memory of a song; they carry with them a piece of art that has become a part of their own narrative. The composition's impact lingers, not as a fleeting melody but as a profound imprint on the emotional landscape. It is a testament to the transformative power of art—a symphony that continues to resonate with the depths of the human spirit, offering solace, contemplation, and a timeless reflection of the intricate dance between shadows and light. In conclusion, this composition stands as a testament to the enduring power of music to transcend the limitations of language and touch the very core of the human experience. Its thematic richness, emotive resonance, and capacity to evoke introspection elevate it to the status of a masterpiece. It becomes a mirror reflecting the complexities of the human soul, a companion through the journey of self-discovery, and a timeless expression of the artist's exploration of the profound depths of the human experience


7:17:36 man this part really hit the spot I can really understand the actual lyrics but they still touch my heart in the strangest way. Whoever made this knew what I was going through 😭👍


How a 7yo feels after saying "bad morning" to the teacher:


Title: Mamma, I'm a Criminal: An Exploration of Unconventional Perspectives on Criminality

The phrase "Mamma, I'm a criminal" carries a weighty connotation that often evokes feelings of fear, disappointment, and concern. Society has long held a negative perception of criminality, associating it with wrongdoing, moral decay, and the erosion of societal norms. However, this essay aims to delve into the realms of unconventional perspectives on criminality, challenging the prevailing notions and encouraging a deeper understanding of the complexities that underlie human behavior. By examining the structural, psychological, and systemic factors that contribute to criminality, we can begin to question the oversimplified judgments often placed upon individuals who find themselves entangled within the web of lawlessness.


1. Social and Economic Factors:
One cannot overlook the role of social and economic factors in shaping criminal behavior. Individuals living in impoverished communities, deprived of opportunities for education, employment, and upward mobility, may resort to criminal activities as a means of survival. Desperation and the absence of viable alternatives can push people to engage in illegal activities, ultimately leading to a life of crime. By acknowledging the impact of socioeconomic disparities, we can better understand the underlying reasons behind certain criminal behaviors.

2. Psychological Factors:
Human behavior is a complex interplay of various psychological factors. Mental health issues, such as untreated psychiatric disorders, addiction, or trauma, can significantly contribute to criminal behavior. Individuals grappling with these challenges may resort to criminal acts as a coping mechanism or as a consequence of their impaired judgment. Instead of condemning them, society should focus on providing the necessary support, rehabilitation, and treatment to address the root causes of their criminal actions.

3. Systemic Injustices:
The criminal justice system itself is not exempt from scrutiny when examining the phenomenon of criminality. Disproportionate targeting and harsher punishments faced by marginalized communities, such as people of color or those from low-income backgrounds, highlight the systemic biases inherent within the system. This bias often perpetuates a cycle of criminality, as individuals who face discrimination and limited opportunities may become caught in a cycle of recidivism due to the challenges they face upon reentering society. By addressing systemic injustices, we can aim to break this cycle and foster a more equitable society.

4. Redefining Criminality:
In the pursuit of a more nuanced understanding of criminality, it is essential to question the rigidity of societal definitions and judgments. Sometimes, acts considered criminal under the law may challenge conventional morality or oppressive systems. Activists, whistleblowers, and revolutionaries who challenge the status quo by engaging in nonviolent civil disobedience or exposing corruption may be labeled as criminals, but their actions are driven by a pursuit of justice and societal progress. Recognizing the distinction between criminality and acts of dissent can reshape our perspective on individuals who challenge established norms.


While criminality is undoubtedly a cause for concern in society, it is crucial to adopt a multidimensional approach when analyzing and understanding the factors that contribute to it. By acknowledging the social and economic influences, psychological complexities, and systemic injustices, we can move beyond a simplistic narrative of right and wrong. Instead, we can strive to address the underlying causes of criminal behavior and focus on providing support, rehabilitation, and opportunities for individuals to break free from the cycle of crime. In doing so, we may pave the way for a more empathetic and just society that seeks to understand rather than condemn those who proclaim, "Mamma, I'm a criminal."


"I am currently crying so hard rinside. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was.That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of acting history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a play, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and playmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece, I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the guy get poisned with jelly it absolutely moved my soul, and I don't think I can ever be the same. this jelly has changed my entire mental state, I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on, gotta move on, as the song says. the jelly is so inspirational, it shares it vast wisdom with all of us, and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on jelly. hail jelly. hail jelly. The spinning jelly, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a jelly do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the jelly spins, showing its lightly salt covered tan skin. I can hear the slurp just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the jelly scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating jelly. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any piece of jelly I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a piece of jelly I have ever seen especially on the climax. This has made me go through an emotional rollercoaster. I cried oceans inside beat off, and also watched a movie while watching this premiere. This has made me go through so much. I passed depression because of this. It really inspired me to become an outstanding young boy. Thank you.


Truly inspiring, I should tell this great song to my kids, as the greatest punch line "mama, im a criminal" hits harder than any meteor, very beautiful.


As I sit down to pen this letter, my heart overflows with the warmth and wonder that only true love can inspire. Today, my soul has been forever changed, and I find myself compelled to share the depths of my emotions with you. What I am about to describe transcends the ordinary, for within the confines of a 10-hour video, I discovered a love so profound, so heartwarming, and mind-opening, that words alone can scarcely do justice to the magnitude of my feelings.

In the vast expanse of the digital universe, I stumbled upon a masterpiece, a revelation that shook the very foundations of my existence. Picture this: a humble worm, a creature so often overlooked in the grand tapestry of life, adorned with a minuscule cigarette, and with an air of nonchalant rebellion, it uttered those immortal words that echoed through the chambers of my heart: "Mama, I'm a criminal."

Oh, how my heart swelled with an inexplicable tenderness for this unlikely hero! The mere sight of this tiny rebel, engaged in the act of smoking, became a symphony of love notes played on the strings of my soul. In the absurdity of its actions, I found a metaphor for the unpredictable dance of love, where norms are discarded, and the unexpected becomes the very essence of enchantment.

As I watched the video unfold, the rhythmic ritual of the worm's smoking became a hypnotic ballet, a dance of passion that mirrored the complexity of our own love. The repetitive mantra, "Mama, I'm a criminal, " became our secret code, a shared language that transcended the barriers of ordinary expression. In the absurdity of this spectacle, I glimpsed the kaleidoscope of our own idiosyncrasies, celebrating the unique and uncharted territories that make our love an exquisite masterpiece.

But it was not merely the whimsical antics of our wormy protagonist that stirred my soul. No, it was the profound journey of self-discovery that unfolded over the course of those ten captivating hours. The smoking worm became a metaphor for the courage to embrace one's true self, flaws and all, and I couldn't help but see a reflection of our own journey of love in its tiny, rebellious form.

My dearest, in the heartwarming embrace of this 10-hour odyssey, I discovered a love that transcends the ordinary boundaries of romance. It is a love that laughs in the face of convention, that revels in the absurdity of existence, and that dances to the rhythm of its own unique melody. As we navigate the surreal landscape of life together, let us embrace the unexpected, finding joy and warmth in the absurdities that make our love an unparalleled adventure.

With all the love in my heart,


36:36 was the best part the way he said it is just omg like it deserves an reward


This gave me love this, I'm so confident now. Thank you. Stay criminal


the part at 9:31 where he says ''Mama, i'm a criminal.'' was so heartbreaking, im eternally crying from that one quote


10HoursMovies, add subtitles to this masterpeice! We need to be able to appeal to a wider audience and help people understand the words spoken in this video.


I watched the whole thing twice without blinking
