Monetary Easing (aka Quantitative Easing / QE, LTRO, APP and so on) Explained in One Minute

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A one-minute animation which explains what monetary easing is all about, also known as Quantitative Easing (QE) in the United States, the Long-Term Refinancing Operation (LTRO) and then the expanded Asset Purchase Programme (APP) in Europe and so on.

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great videos. subbed. would love some vids or a series on starting from the basics and building from there on how to just understand the economy and what the can mean to us as personal investors. not necessarily investing advice but more just what the factors are and how they may affect us, while ultimately leaving the choice up to us.


Standard&Poors: "Banks do not and cannot lend out reserves". Qe is not money creation, it is an asset swap: one type of money (bonds) for another type of money (reserves).


Wouldn't artificially low interest rates (the commercial bank end-product of QE) lead to mal-investments?


USA launch QE since 2008 crisis .

if QE = create money, how come the value of USD keep rising since 2008 till now 2020 ?


You make very good videos, keep up the good work. Anyway I've a question. This spring Draghi proposed the introduction of the helicopter money. Shouldn't this system more powerful than the QE, since the people could spend the money without borrowing it?


I wonder why other governments and their respective central banks ALLOW other countries just to print money?What can other central banks do to stop other central bank to print money?


Use determines what acts as money. Reserves and cash or bank accounts cannot both be used as money. The dollars created by The Federal Reserve act as reserves and, therefore, cannot also be used as money. Thus, The Federal Reserve does not (cannot) create money. Only banks create new money.


I don't understand why we need the Central Bank to print money. Why doesn't the government just print the money itself?


.... banks don't spend that new money?


So as you can see Quantitative easing can have good intentions but can also result in the economy being worse off...


Debt instruments underwritten by labour/productivity. Created by elements who have never done an honest days work in their lives.


This is actually illogical.
Even if banks would give loans with what money are they going to pay the interest? The people do not get an increase in money in their control only loans with interest which is sucks in money out of their control.


Just 77 trillion INR per year; why it is big enough to talk about?


who else is watching in march 2020? ...


When the financial crisis comes I believe Cryptocurrency will become even bigger


Someone send this to @John Oliver and show him how someone else besides Jill Stein calls it "magic".... cause well it is to a degree. There is not enough concrete backing of the funds like the gold standard or some other asset.
