How To Carry 32 Min Game In 17 Minutes As Evelynn Jungle

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How to play and carry as Evelynn Jungle on euw soloq. Gameplay guide in master elo on patch 14.15.

Hey guys it's me Embrace Agony EUW Grandmaster OTP Evelynn.
Started playing league of legends around the middle of season 3. Years later in season 8 inspired by someone I got into Evelynn and decided to master her. Here you will see mainly league of legends jungle gameplay, highlights and montages.

#leagueoflegends #evelynn #embraceagony
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Poor seraphine got nuked so many times that game lol


Love ur videos ❤ and I enjoy the variety of skins.


I want to argue some more about the storm surge and lich bane saga XD. I tried it in practice tool and in game, storm surge deals exactly 204 more damage to and enemy who has 150 mr where as lich bane deals 120 more damage to an enemy with less than 60 mr + the lightning after storm surge's passive has secured me more kills than I can count. And another thing I like to add is that while you are fighting, the chances of you landing the combo with lich banes proc is so small, what i mean is when you hit charm for example with your q your next attack deals a lot more damage but in most cases people proceed to spam q's recast which activates the lich bane proc for your q recast and not for the E, where as with storm surge you are guaranteed that proc plus the burst from electrocute and the pen from ss Which makes ss more gold efficient and Eve could really use that magic pen combined with sorcs. :) (I am just trying to make a point here no beef intended)
Edit: I ran the test with full build and with just the lich bane and storm surge in my inventory.


Back again with another question my friend xD when is it okay to let your team take camps and when should you tell them to back off? I had a game last night where my veigar and sett was constantly taking my camps including the buffs bc their justification was ‘you’re dead you don’t need them’? Even though I only died six times that particular game. I feel I need the camps to farm properly and get stronger (by means of the buffs and the extra gold) but I also don’t wanna get a chat ban for flaming them if it doesn’t look like I know what I’m talking about 😂


Fiddlesticks is too annoying, glad u handled it


ain't inspiration 2nd better since sorcs nerf?
