Excel Hack ✅ Stock Price Updates from Yahoo Finance Import Web Data #exceltips

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🎯 Excel Stock Price Hack is FREE EASY way to import web data and update stock prices from Yahoo Finance in Microsoft Excel for FREE NO Microsoft 365 subscription required! If you are tired of manually updating stock prices in Excel, this is a great option. I am using Microsoft Office Pro 2021 and have a stock portfolio saved on Yahoo Finance, I was using an old-school technique of copy and pasting stock info into Excel... Now I have a one-click solution! Learn how to update stock prices in excel from Yahoo Finance! Check out this easy Excel tip to get stock data from Yahoo Finance automatically with one click:
✅ Build your secret URL to access Yahoo Finance stock price data! Excel Tip - Import web data from Yahoo Finance into Excel spreadsheet with a single click! Easy to keep your stock prices constantly updated - no more copy & paste! Upgrade your Excel stock tracking game with these Excel tips and tricks and ditch the manual stock updates!
👍Best of luck with your Excel spreadsheet! -Steve
💶 BONUS! Thanks to Erica for cracking the code to add exchange rates! Add the exchange ticker to the other stock tickers in the very same string, (tickers separated by a comma) use USDCAD=X or CADUSD=X depending on which you need! Works like a charm!
💱 Confirmed this works for ALL types of exchange rates you may need that are tracked in Yahoo Finance such as Euros, BitCoins, and Japanese Yen! EURUSD=X, BTC-USD, JPY=X. This is handy if you are converting values of holdings in different countries or currencies in your spreadsheet and don't want to manually update the rate!
💯 MY GEAR! Amazon Affiliate Links:
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#tipsandtricks #diy #stepbystep #tutorial #exceltips
Thank you!
German: KOSTENLOSE EINFACHE Möglichkeit, Live- und historische Bestandsdaten von Yahoo Finance direkt in Microsoft Excel zu importieren/aktualisieren
00:00 Introduction
00:46 Example Stock Portfolio Yahoo Finance
01:21 OLD WAY - Copy and Paste Stock Price information
02:35 Office Version - Pro Plus 2021
03:02 Import data from Web - not yet...
03:26 How to import data from web?
03:55 Requires User Login for Yahoo Portfolio
04:34 SOLUTION - Use a Custom URL!
05:00 SECRET WEB ADDRESS for Yahoo Stock Prices
05:41 What the custom web page looks like
06:03 Use custom URL for Excel Web Import
06:40 Shazam! Web Import w/o username!
07:09 Shazam! Excel web Data updated from Yahoo Finance
07:20 How to Refresh Stock Prices
07:53 Bottom Line: Simple, Elegant, and FREE
✅ Build your secret URL to access Yahoo Finance stock price data! Excel Tip - Import web data from Yahoo Finance into Excel spreadsheet with a single click! Easy to keep your stock prices constantly updated - no more copy & paste! Upgrade your Excel stock tracking game with these Excel tips and tricks and ditch the manual stock updates!
👍Best of luck with your Excel spreadsheet! -Steve
💶 BONUS! Thanks to Erica for cracking the code to add exchange rates! Add the exchange ticker to the other stock tickers in the very same string, (tickers separated by a comma) use USDCAD=X or CADUSD=X depending on which you need! Works like a charm!
💱 Confirmed this works for ALL types of exchange rates you may need that are tracked in Yahoo Finance such as Euros, BitCoins, and Japanese Yen! EURUSD=X, BTC-USD, JPY=X. This is handy if you are converting values of holdings in different countries or currencies in your spreadsheet and don't want to manually update the rate!
💯 MY GEAR! Amazon Affiliate Links:
🙏 THANK YOU for taking the time to check it out! My videos will always be simple videos to inform or entertain. And please SUBSCRIBE and turn on the notifications to see my new videos as they go live on the channel.
#tipsandtricks #diy #stepbystep #tutorial #exceltips
Thank you!
German: KOSTENLOSE EINFACHE Möglichkeit, Live- und historische Bestandsdaten von Yahoo Finance direkt in Microsoft Excel zu importieren/aktualisieren
00:00 Introduction
00:46 Example Stock Portfolio Yahoo Finance
01:21 OLD WAY - Copy and Paste Stock Price information
02:35 Office Version - Pro Plus 2021
03:02 Import data from Web - not yet...
03:26 How to import data from web?
03:55 Requires User Login for Yahoo Portfolio
04:34 SOLUTION - Use a Custom URL!
05:00 SECRET WEB ADDRESS for Yahoo Stock Prices
05:41 What the custom web page looks like
06:03 Use custom URL for Excel Web Import
06:40 Shazam! Web Import w/o username!
07:09 Shazam! Excel web Data updated from Yahoo Finance
07:20 How to Refresh Stock Prices
07:53 Bottom Line: Simple, Elegant, and FREE