[BQ #1] LIVE!! Just Another Shiny Chikorita in SoulSilver after 16,347 Seen (+ I Fail a Shiny...)

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Brooke's Pear.

Very pleased to begin this Badge Quest in 4th gen Johto and Kanto. I really wanted Chikorita to be my starter as it's my favourite and I wanted to have one in HeartGold/SoulSilver again. My goal with this Badge Quest is to hunt some HGSS targets I haven't hunted before. Some hunts will be just for anything on a route and other times I'll be hoping for something in particular. I'm going to try not to make this phase heavy, as that's not the point of a Badge Quest. Looking forward to the post-game hunts especially because this game is the only opportunity to hunt post-game targets in a Badge Quest and HeartGold/SoulSilver has several interesting hunting methods that are only available after defeating the Elite 4.

As you can see, something also happens in this video. This was my first Shiny Fail ever. I was resetting too fast for sure and was also distracted. RIP First Chikorita. You were very gold. I will never forget you. Still surprised I managed to still wind up with Chikorita as my starter after killing the first one.
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This took me so long to get! It was my elusive Johto starter! Congrats on he reclaim!


Congratulations on the reclaim! When I saw the first shiny and then you reset I was But I’m glad you got it back! Pear is such a cute name.


Glad to see y’all back! I love your videos :)


Welp, there's always first for everything specially on things that we don't want to happen :/ But I'm glad you managed to reclaim it so you could start your journey with your favorite :)


I have just entered phase 6 for a shiny chikorita on my sshg games. 5 totodiles in a row. Congrats on your chiko!


been there pretty dang recently too, about two months ago i wanted to shiny hunt for chikorita so i set out i do it and i reset over a shiny chikorita the exact same way you did at 11, 433encounters…. but after staying up for two days straight to reclaim it i luckily got it back after 4, 560 encounters and it’s now my favorite shiny that i ever have gotten


Chikorita, is a nice shiny.congratulations.


The Johto starters take the longest but they're worth it in the end


Congrats on the shiny leaf 🍃 also what do u mean by the first time you failed a shiny? Is that not including safari zone?


you could have had 1 of my like 7 chikoritas xD been trying since 2014 to get a cyndaquil again cause i was stupid and transferred it to x and y but I'm even with 7 chikoritas and 7 totodiles on phase 14 for the dam flaming mole xD one day soon hopefully XD


I just recently got myself 2 shiny cyndaquils and a shiny chikorita all within 7k encounters


Wishing you & your love ones & everyone else out there truly Awesome Nites & Days wherever you live in the🌎world also all kinds of good health Physically, Mentally & Emotionally with Ever more success throughout your life✌🏼😊


Conrgats on the reclaim! That intro was brutal tho ;_; how many SRs was it for the first one?
