Ask Adam Savage: How to Interact With Famous People

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In this Ask Adam, Adam answers ignorantForager's question: "What's the best way to interact with famous people that you might see in public? I don't want to interrupt whatever they're doing, but I also don't want to miss out on a chance to meet them."

Shot and edited by Ryan Kiser
Produced by Kristen Lomasney

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Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman

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the internet : -"how to interact with famous people?"
a famous people : -"just like you do with normal pepole"
the internet : -" do you interact with people?"


I met someone at a bar once and said to them that I loved their work and the recent role that they were in on stage. They asked me if I could just wait a few minutes and then tell them that again when they were sitting outside as they were with a producer/director talking about a new role they were after. LOL, was glad to help out by asking twice.


I'm gonna approach non famous people and tell them I love their work


A little anecdote for you - many years I was in ireland, and...As I was boarding the train, Terry Jones happened to be getting off of the same carriage - it was a truly starstruck moment because while Python is important to many people, Terry for me is a genius and one of my very favourite people simply by virtue of who he is. I stepped back, allowed him to get off the train and nodded politely, and when he acknowledged me told him how much I loved watching Monty Python growing up, how much my grandfather loved watching the troupe - Mr. Jones was extremely gracious and spent a couple of minutes chatting to me as the train was still boarding anyway. Finally he offered to sign something for me, and all I had was a five pound note - he took it out of my hand, grabbed a pen and scrawled "Here is your lovely five pound note - regards, Terry Jones" and handed it back to me.

It's framed now, and is one of my most treasured possessions, and it grew out of just being respectful, mindful and being poilite.


I usually just start by handcuffing the individual to myself. It's very difficult to be ignored after that. And if it ever leads to a lawsuit or a restraining order; hey, that's just bonus memorabilia!


Me to Billy Connolly: "I'm so sorry to interrupt you..."
Billy Connolly: "No you're not."


As far as touching someone, don't touch people you don't know, famous or not.


Here's what you do:
1. Make eye contact. If you can't do that skip to step 3.
2. Smile and say "Big fan".
3. Keep walking.


My father has worked in the music industry for years. One thing he has always done is if he sees someone he recognizes, he doesn't necessarily make the conversation about their body of work. He'll say hello, and then ask them how their tour is going, or how their shopping is going. Sometimes it's nice to not have every fan interaction be about the fan/artist interaction.


I sold Adam a Bluetooth speaker in 2008 and he was super friendly.


A genuine smile, a very short greet such as "Thank you", or "Love your work", and a head bow of respect. Then move on, back away, make some gesture that you are not seeking to press them for their time. If they are of a mood for more interaction, they may respond to indicate that you are welcome to stay for a (very short) extra moment. If all you get is a smile or a "Thank you" (or whatever) in response, move on. They have lives to live and things to do.


Just be nice to everybody, famous or not and you'll get a positive response most of the time I guess.


Thanks. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is always great advice.
Makes me wonder why it's so hard for us to looking past the persona and see a fellow human being when dealing with famous people.


When I was in film school my professor dedicated a portion of one of his lectures to talking about how to interact with celebrities properly so it seems like common sense to me. I forget that many people don't really know how to interact with people who, for all intents and purposes, are basically modern day royalty. Thanks for sharing.


How to interact with famous people: make a lot of money and do a collab.


I just noticed in this video that Adam Savage and Alton Brown could be siblings.


This is common sense. Don't touch anyone regardless if they are famous or not, it's just being decent. Don't interrupt famous people when they look like they don't want to be approached. Don't invade anyone's personal space when it's obvious they are having what looks to be a meeting, conversation etc. I fear no one not even famous people after all they are just people. What you do have to concern yourself with is the "earpiece" i.e. body guards. I've seen famous people and in some cases in places where no one knew who they were but from my eye contact and body language back and forth they knew I new. I didn't bust their chops or talk I just nodded hello and they nodded hello with a mutual respect that I didn't bust them in public. My question is where can I get the stand for the Raiders fertility idol in the background. That is way more interesting to me. Thanks Adam :-)


The unfortunate thing is that most people who are inclined to ask this question probably don't really need to be told the answer. It's the thoughtless, inconsiderate people who *need* to hear the answer who will never ask the question and will not listen to the answer and make life difficult for everybody.


I really enjoyed this. I had a neighborhood friend whose cousin came from Texas up to study acting at a local University. He was very gregarious to us younger kids and guided us on lots of local adventures. As a result of his work in a local theater ensemble, he was scouted for a role in a film. He went on to act in supporting roles in successful films and was later a regular character on a long running TV show. To me, he was always my just neighbor's cousin who happened to succeed in a line of work that made him recognizable. He was a person whose family I knew and who had the sames aspirations, wants and needs as any other person I knew. He and his wife life a quiet life on the outskirts of Los Angeles, where I hope they enjoy a certain amount of anonymity. Thank you for addressing an issue that I was gratefully inoculated against at a formative age!


As I've gotten older, I've realised that there is no point to talking to famous people unless you have something specific to ask or say. Generally, the thing you like them for (movie, book, whatever) represents the best of them, so any personal interaction is going to be a step down!
