War Games: The Battle For Taiwan

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War Games: The Battle For Taiwan
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"Everybody has a plan until you get punched in the face" Mike Tyson


The lady who said put some seals on the island by submarine to support the marines has literally no idea about combat and how it works…


How about doing this again but with actual generals


"Wars are created by rich and ambitious men but fought by fools" Thomas Sankara
The world will be a better place if we all stop being selfish to assume that we are more powerful than others and should have greater control than others. Someday there is going to be a terrible mistake and the world will never be the same again.


I used to play board games mainly due to my interest in historical battles, this is a strategic war game.


I just saw this, and the strategy at 5 mins and some change of attacking US forces in Japan wouldn't bring Japan into war is BEYOND ridiculous. The facilities we use in Japan are shared facilities, meaning that if an attack were to occur there would be a high probability of indirectly attacking Japanese forces, which would bring Japan in this war.


As Helmuth von Moltke "no military plan of operation extends with certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy's main strength."
It's a well known saying amongst commanders and has been proven time and time and time again..
The modern short version is "no plan survives the first contact with the enemy" and has been proven time and time again and time again.


Listening to these experts analysis on how a war game plays out will certainly rot your brain.


You didn't take into consideration south Korea and Europe being pulled into war especially UK


Hi, a Japanese here. Mr. Wuthnow said limiting the target to US would delay the involvement of Japan, if I heard him right. I think targeting the US bases in Japan would definitely cause Japan to see the attack as the attack on its soil because,
1. Many of US bases are adjacent to densely developed civilian areas (Naval base in Yokosuka or Sasebo, MCAS iwakuni, Futenma Air station etc etc). Attack on those would certainly inflict damage on civilian areas, and
2. Some bases are shared between US and Japan (e.g. Misawa AFB, oh, and it’s also adjacent to civilian airport too). So again, attack on those would be seen as attack on JSDF as well.
I was listening to this whilst cooking my dinner, so sorry if I misheard something. Just wanted to point this out.
Either way, it was great discussion.


"They get tired..but they don't get scared" 🇺🇲


No offense but really need to check your "experts" again. There were so many stupid ideas done in this it makes no sense whatsoever. The only one who made real sense was that general.


What a waste of time. Felt like watching a kid show. 😂


Would actually like to see the entire segment of the war game played out. Would make for some great content.


These types of war games scenarios need to be played out every day with actual military and espionage leadership at the table, to have a proper picture of all possible scenarios played out. Which I’m sure goes on.
In my opinion there is a high probability of WW3 from a China/ Taiwan war


I can honestly honestly say I had the honor to have lived next to the generation that fought and died for what was right. They're all gone now. But I won't let them be forgotten. They were kind very brave people and Humanity must never forget what they fought and died for


any discussion over Taiwan that reduces the situation to a contest between US and China is problematic and especially so when it comes to war gaming like this that excludes the involvement of Americas partners and allies in the Asia Pacific. If they want a war game that is truly representative they need to at a bare minimum include officials from Taiwan and Japan or else the exercise is just going to remain theoretical


I find it interesting that the Chinese team went straight to preemptive attacks on the US in not only US territory but also Japanese territory. I personally don’t see China doing either of those things because a preemptive strike on their part would mean even greater conflict. They would draw NATO members into direct conflict. Japan would likely swiftly pass a resolution to convert their capable defense forces into a standard military organization. Korea may even get involved with the prospect of an attack on their soil increasingly likely based on the attacks on Japan. At that point, China and Russias “no-limit” partnership would be tested and if Russia assists them, it would be global conflict and the likely destruction of everything. Given that being the likely outcome of that decision, I think China would simply invade Taiwan with the expectation that the US response will be no different from what’s happening in Ukraine.


If you like The View and you wonder what it would be like for the talk show hosts to play war games, this video is for you.


Back in the late 70s, it was hypothesised that in a European war, Russia would use nuclear weapons, if there was the possibility that they could be completely destroyed on the ground. It was put forward that if this was going to happen, and to stop a complete collapse of the USSR, they would demonstrate their resolve to go full nuclear. The scenario put forward, was that they would obliterate Perth, on the west coast of Australia, thus indicating that there is always the possibility of total destruction of the west, if the USSR is to fall. The thinking behind this was the USSR could show to the western powers, that they were very serious about their future, by the total destruction of a populated, industrial western city. And the demonstration, though completely horrific, the damage was isolated by distance from the rest of the world. Thankfully the clock never got too midnight....
