Some ideas on police reform | Professionalize the Police ft. Noah Smith Article

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#Policy #Police #PoliceReform

0:00 Introduction
0:31 Professionalizing the Police
14:08 My Thoughts
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idk how it is not obvious what needs to happen.
A) Obviously there needs to be more training before you are officially a police officer. This should include all the laws that you are likely to be involved in (so e.g. laws about international trade probably don't matter if you are a normal police officer, but laws about stop and ask for ID clearly matter), how to approach a lot of situations, including situations with potentially mentally ill people or people with dementia. This will probably need more funding both for training but also maybe for higher salaries, but should be worth it.
B) Given that police officers will now clearly have more knowledge, they will also be held to a higher standard and the laws about immunity should be drastically reduced. No more "getting fired" or the police station getting sued (so the taxpayer) or they are on "paid leave" or whatever. If you break the law as a police officer, you get sentencing same as anyone else. If a police officer unlawfully arrests or causes unlawful harm to someone (I'm talking about cases where the police officer did that intentionally - sometimes it can be accidentally due to some high-pressure scenario which is what these laws should be about, but thats very rare... most of the time its some ego-driven narcissistic cop douche who thinks he IS the law rather than protecting the law), the penalty should be even worse than if a citizen did the same.
C) Cops need to stop covering for bad cop behaviour. This mentality of protecting each other is bullshit and all it does it shit on the good cops. Its self-sabotaging if you are a good cop cause the bad cops already give you a bad name in the public... if you defend them, then that only worsens it even further. Good cops need to call out and arrest bad cops, not protect them.
D) This is the tough one, but what you said first in the video about gun ownership is true. Unfortunately in the US you have more guns (and more psychopaths/sociopaths) - more violence will always be the case both from people to other people and police and from police to people. This can only be reduced gradually over many years of laws restricting gun ownership. So unfortunately even with A, B, C you will still get more violence compared to other countries, but then again the police should try to minimize their use of unjust violence, not their violence when it is just.


Its crazy to me that cops in the US undergo so little training. I want to become a police officer myself in Northrhein-Westphalia (a German state) and here it takes 3 years to become a cop. Its a /Duales Studium/ meaning there is about 50/50 split between theory and praxis (in training centers and later also on the street).
By finishing police education you get a Bachlor of Arts (the training is missing a few points for a Ba. of Law iirc).
Another thing I want to add here, is that it seems absolut bonkers to me that there are so many solo patrols in the US. We ALWAYS have at least two people doing that together. I rekon that lowers the danger for the other person and officers too. Ofc that also costs a lot more.
At least I want tl qickly add that Germany doesnt have one police, rather 17 police agencies (1 per state + Federal Police) and there are quite stark differnces from agency to agency.


2:40 wtf is up with Canada's police numbers?


all cops must learn brazilian jui jitsu


If you are going to have every job need a degree you are going to need to make education free. You are basically cutting off more job options from more people by requiring a degree that so many people just can't afford and even people with a degree can't afford to pay thier loans.


Interesting video. Definitely the opposite of defund the police but this makes much more sense. I have no idea how my job as a nurse someone requires more hours of training than a police officer, given the fact that I don't have the authority to kill someone.


It depends what the training is, if you are just going to continue to train cops to harass poor people and “protect their own lives” at the expense of everyone else, then nothing will change.


Whats funny about having a problem with copper exploitation in chile?
