Bishop Burbidge's Homily for the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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Today, on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Bishop Burbidge reminds us that this is a time for prayer: “I think today is a good day to renew our promise to pray daily the Holy Rosary, seeking the help and protection of Our Blessed Mother. Not only would this honor Mary, it will be a great gift to our Church, especially at this time."

"Throughout history and certainly in the present day, the Church struggles through the conflict between God and the evil one,” he continued. "We must face this struggle here and now. Mary accompanies us and strengthens us in our fight."

Bishop Burbidge's Homily for the Solemnity of the Assumption of our Blessed Virgin Mary
Print Version
August 15, 2018

There are moments in life we need God’s reassurance and consolation more than ever. In light of recent revelations and events within our Church, it seems to be one of those moments. So, how blessed we are to celebrate today the Assumption of Mary: the dogma defined as follows: “The Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.”

In a reflection on the Readings on this Solemnity, Pope Francis said they convey: struggle and resurrection. He points to the passage from the Book of Revelation. It presents the vision of the struggle between the woman and the dragon. The figure of the woman represents the Church. On one hand: glorious and triumphant —associated with the glory of the Lord. On the other painful and toiled. Throughout history and certainly in the present day, the Church struggles through the conflict between God and the evil one. We must face this struggle here and now.

Yet, how important it is to remember this beautiful insight from Pope Francis: Mary has, of course, already entered once and for all into heavenly glory but that does not mean she is distant from us. Mary accompanies us and sustains and strengthens us in our fight against evil forces. I think today is a good day to renew our promise to pray daily the Holy Rosary seeking the help and protection of Our Blessed Mother. Not only would this honor Mary it will be a great gift to our Church, especially at this time.

Saint Paul speaks to us today about the Resurrection, Christ’s victory over evil, sin, suffering and even death itself. God has triumphed and Mary’s Magnificat in today’s Gospel sings of his greatness: “He has cast down the mighty from their thrones and has lifted up the lowly.” As we unite ourselves to Christ we share in his victory here and now especially in the celebration of the Eucharist. But our ultimate goal is to share his victory forever in heaven. That is why we prayed at the opening of Mass: “Always attentive to the things above, may we merit to be sharer’s of Mary’s glory.”

Our Blessed Mother shows us how to be attentive to the things above: magnify the Lord’s will in your life, not your own; listen and respond to His Word; and entrust your needs and the needs of the Church and those you love to his divine assistance for with God all things are possible.

Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, pray for us today and always. Amen.
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This is so touching. Thank you for preaching so beautifully about our Mother the Blessed Virgin Mary.
