Sweden's CV90 or Germany's Marder - Which IFV is better?

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Sweden's CV90 or Germany's Marder - Which IFV is better?

Sweden's CV90 or Germany's Marder - Which IFV is better?
When comparing infantry fighting vehicles, two prominent names that come to mind are Sweden's CV90 and Germany's Marder. Both IFVs have seen extensive service with their respective countries and other operators around the world. These IFVs have undergone several upgrades and modernizations over the years to stay effective in modern warfare. Although there are some similarities between the two vehicles, their design, capabilities, and performance exhibit notable differences. In this comparison, we will take a closer look at the CV90 and Marder and examine their strengths and weaknesses to determine which IFV is better.

The latest variant of CV90 is a fifth generation IFV designed by BAE Systems for the Swedish Army. The IFV was designed to operate efficiently in the sub-Arctic climate of the Nordic region, providing excellent mobility in snowy and wetland terrains. The vehicle entered service in 1993, and since then it has been sold to several countries, including Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Denmark, Estonia, and the Netherlands. The current variant CV90 mark 4 is highly modular which can perform roles ranging from troop transport to anti-aircraft and anti-tank warfare. The IFV can accommodate a crew of three and transport 6 troops. Since its introduction, around 1280 units have been produced of different variants. On the other hand, the Marder is a German IFV that entered service with the Bundeswehr in 1971. It was designed to replace the older M113 armored personnel carrier and was named after the German word for marten, a swift and agile predator. The IFV has been exported to several countries including Greece, Chile, Indonesia, Jordan, and Ukraine, and it has been deployed in the Gulf War and the War in Afghanistan. The Marder has seen significant upgrades over the years, including improved armor, weapons, and electronics. The latest variant, 1A51 has a crew of three and can transport up to six soldiers. In total, over 2,100 units of different variants have been produced to date.

Both IFVs pack quite a punch when it comes to their weaponry. The Swedish IFV takes the lead with a more powerful gun that can reach targets from a greater distance. But hold on, the Marder counters with an anti-tank missile that matches the CV90's range. The IFV spices things up with multi-purpose grenade launchers, giving it even more firepower with different types of grenades. However, the Marder brings in a whole arsenal of its own, including anti-tank guided missiles and a rifle, which could really come in handy in specific situations.

Watch complete video for analysis of mobility, firepower and detailed conclusion.

Intro 00:00
Overview of CV90 01:10
Overview of Marder 01:58
Design of CV90 02:44
Design of Marder 03:40
Design Conclusion 04:23
CV90 Mobility 04:47
Marder Mobility 05:11
Mobility Conclusion 05:32
CV90 Optics 05:41
Marder Optics 06:16
Firepower of CV90 06:46
Firepower of Marder 07:44
Firepower Conclusion 08:28

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#CV90 #Marder #IFV
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Found an error in the video. The CV90 40mm L/70 APFSDS-T Mk II IM round is actually capable of penetrating at least 180mm. This in it self wouldn't penetrate any modern MBT from the front but makes all MBTs vounerable from the sides or rear.

The 60mm penetration value referenced is actually from the old Bofors 40mm L/60 guns AP round and is tech from the 1940's


CV90 is a VERY varied and modular platform, it is kind of it's selling point aswell. There are multiple gun options 30mm, 35mm and the cannon much larger 40mm with various types of ammunition 3p programmable ammunition, turret options, armor options, an AA variant, Forward command variant, Recovery vehicle, a 120mm gun tank hunter variant, and many more.
1073 BHP in the high end version that is amphibic and extremely mobile in mudd and snow.


The CV 90 clearly wins here, but i think the CV 90 should better be compared to the bradley or the puma....
As a german i have to say respect to the CV 90, its a very good IFV👍


I think sweden's CV90 is lot better.


Marder has been conceived during the 70s, while CV90 is a much recent development, starting around mid 90s.


cv 90 is such a beast with so much capabilities it is easily one of the best ifvs in the world.


The Marder is a cold war weapon and will soon be replaced by the Puma, the CV90 has many variants and up to date so it is my choise!


Lets just put this out there. The CV90, especially the later models are far more dangerous than the Lynx, Puma, Bradley or K21 fighting vehicles. They are more modern, the cannon is much larger (40mm) the types of ammunition 3p programmable ammunition is deadly as hell. It can air-burst at set ranges, it would annihilate every single Russian in ANY trench with ease from kilometers away.
The weight of this IFV is almost as much as the Russian MBT (main battle tanks). Close to 40 Ton.

The CV9040 is a highly aggressive vehicle, designed to control the initiative by staying mobile instead of slowing things down to a walk. Aggressive maneuvering is what the CV9040 is designed to do, outmaneuving vehicles and killing them in the flank and charging enemy positions to drop off soldiers right ontop of the enemy.

These tactics have been part of the Swedish doctrine since the late fifties as seen in vehicles like the PBV301 and PBV302. And it was directly copied from the German playbook of WW2, where the German panzergrenadiers/dismounts fought more often than not from their halftracks, allowing them to keep pace with the tanks and also maintain initiative through aggressive maneuvering.

A Bradley, Puma, K21 and so on is not designed for that type of combat. It's essentially an APC that drops off troops 100m from the fight. The CV9040 drops off troops within 0-50m from the enemy position, or simply drives up to it and let's the troops fight mounted.

In Afghanistan it was apparently tremendously deadly. The Danish or Norwegians were caught in some kind of fight/ambush and they annihilated the enemy.

1073 BHP in the high end version that is amphibic and extremely mobile in mudd and snow.


The CV 90 40 mm 3P ammo with 6-modes outguns most IFV:s...


Countries I trust the most with Quality of things
1. Sweden
2. Germany
3. Japan
4. USA

Im Swedish 😆


The Marder is from 1969 and the CV90 is from 1991 so comparing them is like comparing the Mark 3 Tank from WW1 with the Tiger 2 from 1944


Not to forget that the CV90 has ADAPTIV ghost armor capabilities as well.


If we're talking Ukraine i'd say the CV90 will probably be pretty effective against trenches since its ammo can explode above said trenches and pepper it with shards.


Argentina's TAM (Tanque Argentino Mediano) belongs also to the Marder family, albeit armed with an L7 105 mm gun.


Strangest thing is that the Brits are still trying to get their failure AJAX IFV to work instead of going with the CV90 that British BAE Systems is a co-developer with Swedish Hägglunds.... weird...


Marder is a quit old but over time permanent updated System. The Replacemen in German Army will be the new Puma.


you should rather compare the cv90 to the puma ifv or the lynx ifv


Sort of difficult to compare weapon systems / platforms that are a whole generation (30 years) apart from one another.
It would have made more sense to compare current systems.


This was published a few hours ago but still couldnt add that Czech republic and Slovakia hos chosen it for purchase? Also, is this really relevant due to the CV90 being a much newer design?


Marder is older than CV90 obviusly CV90 is better. I repair marder since 2009. Wold be interesting test cv90 in my land.
