How to Fix Left Joycon Drift Step by Step Replacement of Analog Thumbstick

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In this video we do a left joycon drift repair. The Nintendo Switch analog drift is caused by wear and tear and dust getting into the controller causing it to move without pressing anything. It's extremely frustrating to have the dreaded joy con drift but its really not that hard to fix as you will see in this step by step video. I really liked this all in one repair kit that comes with all the necessary tools for a low price with amazon prime. Feel free to ask any questions about the left joycon drift repair and there is link below for fixing left joycon =) on the nintendo switch.

If you can wait you might be able to get them fixed for no charge:

Index of video
0:00 Intro
1:10 Opening Left Joycon
1:48 Left Joycon Battery Move Out of the Way
2:10 Remove Battery Tray
2:55 Remove Two Ribbon Cables (needed)
3:42 Install New Joystick in Joycon
4:29 Clean Joycon (if needed)
4:45 Reconnect Ribbon Cables
5:49 L Button Reinstall (If it pops off)
6:22 Battery Tray Reinstallation
6:45 Left Joycon Reassembly

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Your tutorial is the safest method. You didn't unplug battery or that ribbon from the battery case. Great. As a beginner, I needed to learn the safest method. Only that ribbon that covers 1 of the joystick screws and the joystick ribbon itself. Great! I got 3 cups and labelled them to secure the different screws because I don't have magnetic mat.


*A+* Most Descriptive, Constant Clear view start 2 finish withLeast annoying screwups then taking/wasting time explaining. A+


Awesome video thanks for the information!


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Thank you for your videos. Replaced both right and left while watching these helpful videos.
