Quentin Tarantino's Favorite Movies from 1992 to 2009

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1. Battle Royale (dir. Kinji Fukasaku 2000).
The rest are in random order, so alphabetic order:
2. Anything Else (dir. Wood Allen 2003).
3. Audition (dir. Takashi Miike 1999).
4. The Blade (dir. Hark Tsui 1995).
5. Boogie Nights (dir. Paul Thomas Anderson 1997).
6. Dazed & Confused (dir. Richard Linklater 1993).
7. Dogville (dir. Lars von Trier 2003).
8. Fight Club (dir. David Fincher 1999).
9. Friday (dir. F. Gary Gray 1995).
10. The Host (dir. Joon-ho Bong 2006).
11. The Insider (dir. Michael Mann 1999).
12. Joint Security Area (dir. Chan-wook Park 2000).
13. Lost In Translation (dir. Sofia Coppola 2003).
14. The Matrix (dir. Andy Wachowski & Larry Wachowski 1999).
15. Memories of Murder (dir. Joon-ho Bong 2003).
16. Police Story 3: Super Cop (dir. Stanley Tong).
17. Shaun of the Dead (dir. Edgar Wright 2004).
18. Speed (dir. Jan de Bont 1994).
19. Team America (dir. Trey Parker 2004).
20. Unbreakable (dir. M. Night Shyamalan 2000).
Video by @YYC_CRITICS (Thanks!)
1. Battle Royale (dir. Kinji Fukasaku 2000).
The rest are in random order, so alphabetic order:
2. Anything Else (dir. Wood Allen 2003).
3. Audition (dir. Takashi Miike 1999).
4. The Blade (dir. Hark Tsui 1995).
5. Boogie Nights (dir. Paul Thomas Anderson 1997).
6. Dazed & Confused (dir. Richard Linklater 1993).
7. Dogville (dir. Lars von Trier 2003).
8. Fight Club (dir. David Fincher 1999).
9. Friday (dir. F. Gary Gray 1995).
10. The Host (dir. Joon-ho Bong 2006).
11. The Insider (dir. Michael Mann 1999).
12. Joint Security Area (dir. Chan-wook Park 2000).
13. Lost In Translation (dir. Sofia Coppola 2003).
14. The Matrix (dir. Andy Wachowski & Larry Wachowski 1999).
15. Memories of Murder (dir. Joon-ho Bong 2003).
16. Police Story 3: Super Cop (dir. Stanley Tong).
17. Shaun of the Dead (dir. Edgar Wright 2004).
18. Speed (dir. Jan de Bont 1994).
19. Team America (dir. Trey Parker 2004).
20. Unbreakable (dir. M. Night Shyamalan 2000).
Video by @YYC_CRITICS (Thanks!)
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