Playwright Tutorial | CI using GitHub Actions | Continuous Integration
Показать описание
Playwright Tutorial | CICD using GitHub Actions
Playwright Tutorial | CI/CD using GitHub Actions | Continues Integration Continues Deployment
Playwright Github Action | Playwright
Playwright Testing and GitHub Actions Tutorial: Run Your Playwright Tests on Every Code Commit
Mastering Playwright | CICD GitHub Actions
Showing GitHub Actions VSCode Plugin
Creating Branch in GitHub | Pull Request | Merge
Learn to Push Your Code to GitHub
What is Pull Request in Github ? How to Create | Review | Merge Pull Request
Create a pull request to review and merge code in Github
Complete Git and GitHub Tutorial for Beginners
GitHub - Create Local Repository and push to github
How To Push Playwright Test To Github
GIT with VSCode | Clone, Commit & Push | Git Commit & Push with VSCode | GIT Clone, Commit & Push
00:00 - Introduction of CI using GitHub Actions / CICD
03:50 - Create YAML file while Installing Playwright using command
09:30 - Create YAML file while Installing Playwright using VS Code Extension
13:49 - Create YAML / YML file Manually
15:28 - Understanding about YAML / YML file
17:07 - Push Changes to New Git Repo
20:30 - YAML file understanding with Github Actions Tab
35:26 - Understanding of Playwright Config File
43:13 - Push changes to existing repositorty on main branch
47:06 - Understanding of Gihub Actions after Pushing on main branch
54:49 - Download & view Generated HTML Report from Github Actions
59:16 - Understanding of Gihub Actions after Rasing Pull Request / PR
01:11:57 - Re-run GitHub Actions Jobs Manually
01:13:18 - GitHub Actions with VS Code Extension
01:16:34 - Recap
Playwright with TypeScript | CI using GitHub Actions | Continuous Integration | CICD
What is CI/CD?
CI (Continuous Integration): "It’s the practice of automating the integration of code changes from multiple contributors into a project / codebase."
CD (Continuous Delivery/Deployment): "This takes it a step further by automating the delivery of the integrated code to production."
Steps -
Create Yaml File -
Install / Reinstall Playwright using Playwright VS Code extension
Manual Create Yaml file at .github/workflows location in project folder
Job execution on Github Actions when user Push Code / Raise PR / Merge Code
Report Generation
Subscribe Button Animation: pixabay - YRDesigns
Thumbnail and Other art Creation App: Canva
Playwright Tutorial | CI/CD using GitHub Actions | Continues Integration Continues Deployment
Playwright Github Action | Playwright
Playwright Testing and GitHub Actions Tutorial: Run Your Playwright Tests on Every Code Commit
Mastering Playwright | CICD GitHub Actions
Showing GitHub Actions VSCode Plugin
Creating Branch in GitHub | Pull Request | Merge
Learn to Push Your Code to GitHub
What is Pull Request in Github ? How to Create | Review | Merge Pull Request
Create a pull request to review and merge code in Github
Complete Git and GitHub Tutorial for Beginners
GitHub - Create Local Repository and push to github
How To Push Playwright Test To Github
GIT with VSCode | Clone, Commit & Push | Git Commit & Push with VSCode | GIT Clone, Commit & Push
00:00 - Introduction of CI using GitHub Actions / CICD
03:50 - Create YAML file while Installing Playwright using command
09:30 - Create YAML file while Installing Playwright using VS Code Extension
13:49 - Create YAML / YML file Manually
15:28 - Understanding about YAML / YML file
17:07 - Push Changes to New Git Repo
20:30 - YAML file understanding with Github Actions Tab
35:26 - Understanding of Playwright Config File
43:13 - Push changes to existing repositorty on main branch
47:06 - Understanding of Gihub Actions after Pushing on main branch
54:49 - Download & view Generated HTML Report from Github Actions
59:16 - Understanding of Gihub Actions after Rasing Pull Request / PR
01:11:57 - Re-run GitHub Actions Jobs Manually
01:13:18 - GitHub Actions with VS Code Extension
01:16:34 - Recap
Playwright with TypeScript | CI using GitHub Actions | Continuous Integration | CICD
What is CI/CD?
CI (Continuous Integration): "It’s the practice of automating the integration of code changes from multiple contributors into a project / codebase."
CD (Continuous Delivery/Deployment): "This takes it a step further by automating the delivery of the integrated code to production."
Steps -
Create Yaml File -
Install / Reinstall Playwright using Playwright VS Code extension
Manual Create Yaml file at .github/workflows location in project folder
Job execution on Github Actions when user Push Code / Raise PR / Merge Code
Report Generation
Subscribe Button Animation: pixabay - YRDesigns
Thumbnail and Other art Creation App: Canva