How to import a Leapfrog geological model to Model Muse with Python - Tutorial

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Having a geological model can enhance numerical models since it allows to represent higher accuracy the potential distribution of hydraulic parameters in the horizontal and vertical direction. The process to implement/insert a geological model into a Modflow model is a challenge due to restrictions on proprietary software and spatial tools; we have done the whole procedure to insert a geological model into a MODFLOW-NWT groundwater model with scripts in Python, Pyvista and others.
The code extracts the cell centroids of the modflow model and then compares its position with the different geological units exported from Leapfrog to Vtk. Once the corresponding lithology of the cell is identified a hydraulic parameter is assigned. The tutorial works from Vtks of a geological model done in Leapfrog, but it can work with any Vtk.

Input data
You can download the input data from this link:
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