I Showed a Coin Dealer VERY Rare Silver Coins - Hear What He Said!

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I have a lot of Crazy Rare and honestly Ridiculous Silver Coins in my private collection! Today I decided to show them to a local coin shop owner to see what he would pay for them if I were to sell them to his shop!

Did he make me fair offers for my coins? Let me know!

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I Showed Crazy Rare Silver Coins to a Coin Shop for Appraisal

#silvercoins #silver #coinshop
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Colorized coins are a matter of individual taste not for investment. While beautiful they have a limited appeal. The fact that they have a residual silver value is a redeeming factor. Thank you for sharing!


I had to start getting rid of my collectable coins since my son and wife how no desire or interest in coin collecting. I'd rather sell them now so I get decent money for them than letting them get screwed.


Silver Dragons probably shelled out that $1, 000😊


I really enjoyed seeing some of your personal collection and hearing the passion and excitement about those items. I also appreciated hearing what you paid for them, and recent comps info. I’d love to see a similar video on some numismatic coins in your collection, especially Morgans and Peace dollars, but anything you personally find appealing or happy to look at.


I stay away from anything that was colorized or altered after leaving the mint.


When people start collecting coins its fun to see which direction they go, junk silver, bullion, collectables...fun seeing different collections.


Wow that was fun looking at your special pieces! I really enjoyed that! I'm not into buying really expensive stuff but I sure like to look at it! I would love it if you did it again with some of your other things! This was an excellent episode!🎉


I have one colored silver eagle I picked up in coin collection I bought, generally I don't buy colorized rounds or coins, but to each his own, if it makes you happy then buy what you like, that's what makes for the greatest hobby in the world.


I like the video, but I was expecting Morgan dollars and the like…


Most of this "stuff" is suspect. If you're willing to pay premiums then you should get more involved in real numismatics. At least you'll have an opportunity at real price appreciation beyond the underlying precious metal.


I’d love to see another of these. I buy non stacking collectibles from time to time so you’ve peeked my interest.


I love Peace Dollars for some reason.

They deserve the same love other 90% “junk silver” gets.

Afterall in a real barter scenario you’re likely not going to be bartering tiny dimes and quarters.

More likely going to be larger amounts if you’re buying gas or whatever.


We go from legal tender in the initial examples to medallions or fantasy pieces. All are only worth the base metal spot price unless there is an emotional element driving the purchasing decision, and I guess that is the difference between a stacker and a collector.


I thought I was going to see pre 1933 GOLD and Pre 1800 American Silver - Colored Coins - BA BA BA


Your dealer friend is quite generous. In the shop where I volunteer, they would offer close to spot for all of those coins and sell them for 10 to 15% over.


Thanks for your video and thoughts. I joyed watching your personal choices.


Well, with the US Mint raising all the prices on Silver. They want over $90.00 now for the Peace dollar, which isn't even a oz.
Need to talk with him about all the new prices the US Mint just put out. $97.00 for a Proof Eagle? Come on they are killing me.


It goes for, what you will take, and what someone else will pay.
That is known as realized price.
Every time it changes owners the price is realized.
At a auction when many interested people bid is also know as realized at auction, typically the highest value will be realized from a advertised auction.

Coin collecting is always pumped up by avid collectors. It’s not an exclusive club often enjoyed by many…


Thank you for telling us what you paid for them and what they are worth, I just wish that more coin shows on YouTube would do this.awesome collection 😃😃👍👍👍


Always fun seeing another collectors collection, thanks for showing it off. Was thinking you were going to pull out an EverQuest coin for a moment there instead of galaga. Now I need to find an EverQuest coin haha.
