Emirates vs Etihad vs Qatar: Which Has The Best Economy Class?

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The crew of the Qatar airways are such lovely friendly people, When my son was almost 3 years old he was tired and it was way past his bedtime, he cried alot and it took a while for him to settle down, they were so helpful and compassionate. They could see how flustered/emotional/teary I was .. they tried their best to help me calm him down, when he finally went to sleep they checked on me again to see how I was doing. It was a long 12 hour flight, and they spoiled him with heaps of treats and snacks, they would play with him and were so happy to see his true cute self after he rested. I thanked them so many times and made sure they know how much it meant to me to have their support.


An important thing is that Qatar has 18, 5 inches wide seats, Emirates has 18 and Etihad has 17, 5 on their A380s. This matters on a 8-15 hours flight


Anyone else get excited when you hear the rattle of the food and drinks carts coming ?


imagine ur watching a movie and u see some random guy placing cameras everywhere


Qatar does serve a very good Lunch and Dinner. It is impossible to make the breakfast omelette stays soft inside the oven.


A huge problem I have with this review format is that people can have different tastes and expectations to anything, especially when it comes to dining and service.

To give an example: If myself and two other friends all tasted the exact same meal, chances are that if we were to rate that meal via a score, we would have different numbers.

When reviewing the airline classes, for all we know, if those guys tried ALL THREE of those airline flights of the same class (and not review just one) THEN would they give the exact same score as each other?

While entertaining and a little bit informative, I just do not see consistency in this review format, unless all three of these guys are reviewing the exact same flight(s) and then giving their thoughts/opinions.


Remember Qatar Airways giving me a birthday present on my flight back home and the flight itself was amazing. For some reason the cabin was not that crowded so me and my family had like 2-3 rows all to ourselves we basically had business class experience with economy tickets lol


The Qatar stewardess that gave him a Diet Coke was on my flight from Singapore to Doha yesterday and she was so kind to me. She gave me extra things with my meals and when I asked for a sprite she said their not selling it but she went to the back of the plane and got me one anyway!


Just the video that we all wanted and waited for! Thank you so much!


World's Best Airlines for 2019

1. Qatar Airways
2. Singapore Airlines
3. ANA All Nippon Airways
4. Cathay Pacific
5. Emirates
6. EVA Air
7. Hainan Airlines
8. Qantas Airways
9. Lufthansa
10. Thai Airways

Source: Skytrax


I've only flown Qatar and Emirates before, but what I remember vividly about Emirates was their in-flight entertainment system. I had a two-leg flight (Europe to Dubai and Dubai to East Asia) and the same favorites I set on my in-flight entertainment system on my first flight, stayed there on my second flight. Even the movie I only watched halfway through was still on, on the 2nd flight right from the time I stopped it. This was a couple of years ago, and it blew my mind


My bro was sick on Emirates and the crew was so supportive and helpful and this was on a six hour flight to London


For me Emirates died when they introduced the 15kg luggage restriction for their cheapest fare. I really love Qatar for keeping it up with their 30kg luggage restriction to most destinations and the free seat selection, which is quite rare nowadays.


In my opinion it's the other way around. I had really high expectations with Emirates, but they really let me down. Qatar has the best price/quality for sure.


My whole family and I loved our entire experience with Qatar in 2017!! My youngest brother who was 10 years old at the time had really high fever and flu during our flight to Manchester and throughout the whole 8 hours flight the crew was so supportive constantly asking us for anything that we might need and coming up every hour to check his temperature and bringing water and snacks so he would feel as comfortable as possible. His ears were hurting from the soar throat and they even had ear drops for that which I was very surprised by. Loved their hospitality!!


Emirates thank you so much for putting sanitary towels! 🥳🥳🥳


great video. hoping next video will business class comparison review on 3 middle eastern airlines


Great review, loving the reports. Excellently made, a joy to watch.


I flew with all of the three airlines varius times. I have to say that Qatar's and Etihad's food were very good but i didn't liked Emirates food at all. In Qatar the crew was very friendly and it felt a Little bit like being at home, but Etihad ' s and Emirates crew were very professional.


I really appreciate Jean for pulling out the sanitary napkins in the restroom. Nothing sucks more than forgetting to bring a pad then having to ask for one on the plane while you're bleeding between your legs. I always look out for airlines that provides sanitary napkins because it shows that the airline is thoughtful and considerate.
