Enlightened Without Feeling Bliss? (Non Duality)

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Thanks for being a wonderful guide man.


When my ego was slowly getting back in the seat after walking in the clouds for 3 months, it was extremely painful an experience to deal with, for a long period I was finding myself mentally balancing and shifting in between two realities, like a light bulb blinking on and off randomly, very disturbing. The reinstatement of ego didn’t go overnight, rather little by little before my ego was in control again.


Thank you. Even the desire to be ENLIGHTENED, is mental concept. I am already THE self. The self alone exists.


Great message, Dude! Thanks very much! You spoke out of my heart!

I think it's a wrong (ego driven) motivation to become "awakened", whatever it means, and it's anyway hard if not possible to define and measure "enlightment". Better to search communion with the divine, do spiritual practice, reduce ego and with time, "enlightment" will be a positive "byproduct".

I used to smoke some years before. As I finished, I focused on all the positive aspects of a drug-free life, but didn't always wait with exitment for that special moment, when I^m mentally really free of smoking. But one day I realized, that I am free indeed and I felt like someone who never smoked before. And I guess with spirituality it could be the same - you read your books, watch your videos, visit your courses, do your meditations - whatever practice you prefer, and gradually your attachment to worldly stuff is getting lower and your desire for spiritual things is growing. And one day you realize that you are a totally different person as some years before. And that could be a state of enlightment, but that definition doesn't interest you any more, because you reduzed your ego on a level where you are no more motivated to be *more spiritual" than others ;-).


thats why I always liked ram Das and his talks, he always saw this whole dance with humour, great vid as usual


How did you know this is exactly what I have been doing. I'm realizing that this is another subtle layer of the mind. Thank you!


I really enjoyed this message brother. There is definitely something liberating about the realization that life is more akin to a game/VR etc. The difficulty I have is remembering that truth while we live in maya. The mind/ego exerts a lot of energy attempting to make us forget about the cosmic play of life. The trick is to catch yourself in those moments, which is easier said than done and something I struggle with even though I know it to be true.


When I awoke last year, there was indeed 2 or 3 months of bliss that faded only when I realized my inner peace was unshakeable. I experience all emotion, though I very often watch it happening and sometimes say yes to it, or sometimes no. It depends. Sometimes it's a game where I want to see where it takes me, even anger. I would say, that the realization of dream is both depressing and liberating; my joy in all things is tempered by my knowledge that it is illusion and that it must pass. My sadness in all things is tempered by the knowledge that I am eternal and this is simply a cycle that I have been through a trillion times, and will again go through. Very good discussion, brother.


This is one of your best videos Yash. It speaks to my present situation perfectly. Like about not identifying with the self-identity as much, knowing were not the body, becoming less angry about things, and the main thing I'm trying to work on right now, not taking it all so seriously. I'm at the point where all my actions are determined by the lifeforce, given into higher will, and it has me inactive. If I try to make plans for myself, like getting a job or moving out, I'll start to suffer. So I just study, contemplate, work with my spirit guide, and try to get more peaceful. But would I call myself enlightened? Probably not. Awake, probably would. But the bliss comes and goes. And the gods have a penchant for making me suffer big time. Mind attacks and struggle. My suffering is my sadhana... What a great video. It's funny, I was in the store today with my elderly mother doing the groceries, and I saw average everyday people walking around, they looked so stressed, lost, unsure, self-important etc, I thought how does one help these people? They don't know... maybe they don't have the blessing of high level spiritual experience (as hard as that can be). I feel lucky, I'm trying to get more carefree... Wonderful video. Peace Yash 🖤


Very helpful commentary. Thx for the videos, much appreciated. The frame is relaxing and you’re helping to make non-duality reality accessible. Peace!


haha that bomb sound came in the perfect moment at 7:19


Yes, how long it takes you to get back to center is a good gauge .


Everyone is playing the game.Some knowingly some unconsciously..The more conscious the higher the stakes but at that point it doesn't matter that much.The mind had a lot of ideas about how 'holy' I should be..Got caught un many if them untill I wasn't anymore.Now its just fun and games..Your videos are very good my friend..


My assumption was never really that i would act a certain way. I can feel myself always waiting for the "shift" though. I suppose that could be in my way because the "Shift" could take place so slowly, I don't really even notice and could be waiting for forever.


i like dr joe dispenza i get it heart mind❤😊


really great videos, been watching a lot of your videos for the last few months month ..started with semen retention, now I watch both of your channels. For the last few years I have been listening to Alan Watts, Mooji, Sadhruru, J. Krisnamurti, U.G Krishnamurti, some Ram Dass.. now I'm binging you :D. Sometimes I compare things, trying to make some kind of conclusion with the mind and at other times I just turn on your videos and chill. All in all thanks


In some ways it can be useful to have words like "awakening", but I agree it's more of a way of being than the end goal that ppl (including myself once or twice!) some times mistake it for. I've had a series of very explosive and weird experiences, that, since I was not in any way "seeking" to have it happen, or involved in anything yogic, was very confusing and at times even frightening to me. It actually helped a lot that I could type something like "kundalini awakening" in to googel and get a little bit of a better idea of what was happening 😄So it can be handy as a way of communicating and helping each other out to have words like "awakening", as long as we don't believe that what we're doing and living is actually contained in this word, and more importantly that we don't let our ego take pride in it.


i get in my car dont even know were im going type stuff hang out in cemeteries me an my corso talk to the vets❤😊 nice an quit there ha ha ha they all know me i know them❤😊my friends they get it❤😊


Is this also like dispassion, which I am is finding itself doing more and more, feeling more and more, I am happy if I do this and I am happy if I dont do this !! the common denominator is I am happy, until the next trigger point !!! ;-) or evolution pointer I like to call these now !! great video Yosh !! - Blessings - Nick.
