How Do We Recognise Divinity? | Thinking Bhakti Podcast EP10

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In this episode, we explore the potential divine incarnation of Paramahamsa Vishwananda and the category in which His devotees would place Him among saints, gurus, sadhus, and the Avatars of Sriman Narayana mentioned in the holy scriptures. Ultimately, this claim is rooted in faith but is also based on direct personal experiences of His devotees worldwide. We aim to understand the foundation and platform on which this claim is built.

About the guest:
Mayuran Senthilnathan's passion lies in unveiling the wisdom of ancient Vedic stories. Using profound insights, he can draw out their beauty and provide key lessons for seekers of all backgrounds. Mayuran is a teacher for the Bhakti Marga organisation and the author of ‘Avatars of the Master'.

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00:00 Intro
2:00 The Claim
5:00 Praying to God and the Response
8:30 Building the Case
15:41 More than a miracle
15:15 How can we understand God?
22:44 The Creator of the Universe?
24:30 Why Do You Believe Krishna is God
27:40 I came to Challenge the Mind
28:50 The Abstract God
31:00 How do you measure God's Oppulences?
38:07 Addressing the 3 Points
42:02 Making a Violent Claim
46:00 Ungrounded Statements and House of Cards
50:00 Don'ts of making the Claim as a Devotee
57:00 Offending other Vaishnavas
1:02:00 We are fragmented beings
1:06:00 The Knowledge compels you to surrender
1:08:00 The Accusation to Mayuran
1:14:30 Knife edge stuff
1:18:00 Lifting the Carpet
1:21:00 On What Shastric Evidence do you Claim it
1:26:10 Claims in different Traditions
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Nice discussion, daring and sincere👍glad Mayuran tried to shed some light on my “accusation” of him being inconsistent 😇


There's a lot of ego in that podcast


A Vaishnava never claims or accepts being treated as an incarnation of God. Vaishnavism is a monastic tradition of the most generous servants of the servants of the servants of God.


I want to meet Paramahamsa Vishwananda as well as these two individuals. Bhakti Marga is a blessing for us. 🙏🙏🙏


Special thanks to you both. We devotees are on such an adventure: sometimes we can barely breath or physically contain Paramahamsa Vishwananda's reality; we may forget what He has shown us but we cannot un-see it; our egos are wounded when He fails to affirm our identities; we are disappointed and doubting when He doesn't give us what we would like; but we know we are home - we have smelled His fragrance, we have tasted His juice of life and so we stay. We stay knowing its Him who keeps us alive and can meet our longing for love.


When His Divinity is shown, there are no words, just feelings in the Heart ❤. So very Grategul for your podcasts


Very important topic! I was a little shocked to see the preview because I wasn't expecting that this topic can be discussed so openly!

It was incredibly useful, deeply argumented and helpful! Thank you for bringing such hot topics into discussion!


I thank Him and bow in Deep Reverence and Gratitude for the Opportunity of this episode through which He has by His Grace descended upon me more Clarity, Depth and Grounding!🙏👣
Jai GuruDev!🙏❣️🔥
Krishna Arpanamastu!🙏👣


As someone who joined the path 2 months ago I don’t know much about it but here is what I realized so far: “I don’t know if he’s God or not and to a degree it’s not even important to me. I just know that since I saw him for the first time I think about him every single day. My heart tells me to follow and bow down to him. And so I do. A deep change is happening inside of me and I want to keep going.”
Much love to everyone ❤


Thank you for sharing and represent well the rest of the devotees. Just Love ♥️


God Is Love true love, GuruJi is Love and that's the way to go. ❤💖💗


In What looks like a official Guruji sticker pack I have seen going round, there are three images that disturbed me. Gurujis face on Krishna’s form, Shiva’s form and Narayans form. I'm sure you have the authority to remove these from the sticker pack. I love my Guruji and because of this I have respect of other vaishnava lines and I just think as Hari Bhakta Sampradiya is starting we must be very careful. What you have said in this podcast has inspired me to speak up. Dandvats. Jaya Guru Dev


Thank you so much for this talk ! Jai Gurudev!


Jai Shri Ram, is your guest the one that makes videos for "Dharma speaks" ?It sounds like him . Always wanted to see the face of such enlightening videos. Jai Shri Krishna.


Thank you Mayuran, thank you Swami Revati 🙏 More please❤Jai Gurudev! 🎉


Lads I’m a Sanatan but this a bit far fetched for me.


Wow!! I'm actually in the process of reading "I Am That". Personally I do find that both Gurus (Nisargadatta Maharaj and Paramahamsa Vishwananda) a lot of overlap. Both (from my understanding) see the divine in all of us. Both have alot of basic agreements as far as their foundational works are associated with Dharma and other basic Hindu tenants.

Fyi for anyone interested I have an entire playlist of my reaction to each chapter of the book, as far as I've read on my channel.


Jaya, Jaya !
i once visited Bhakti Marga temple. I had small Krsna like veg restaurant at that time and one Bhakti Marga Danish devotee asked Job from my restaurant. She worked for a while, and i visited once in the temple and iT was nice experience. 🫶

interesting is Guru VishwaNanda have said to this devotee to ask me for a visit, when he next time visit in Finland. I was enthutiastic hearing this, but somehow or another i didn’t arrive, no idea why.

Somehow now i remember this 😃
hopefully i get a second chance to meet finally Sri ViswaNanda 🙏


" My heart tells me, that Guruji is God." Ofcourse I have zero rights to say anything againts what people believe and feel, but because its public discussion I guess I have right to comment it. With all respect to both of you have no idea (or better say you have if you are observing history of mankind) what "heart" told to people of this planet....such amount of nonsense ideas, misconceptions, sufferings caused, ...."Heart" tells them to do so many stupid or irrational things, and how to define actually what is so called "heart" and our crazy mind for a conditioned soul? How can you actually claim what your heart (soul&paramatma) tells you until you are on liberated platform (above Maya and gunas) ? If you are on that stage than I have no objections. Topics which you were pointing out are very important, because since I am observing Bhaktimarga I noticed alot of ungrounded claims and philosophy which in my opinion causing great damage to credibility of your movement. Afterall Guruji is I guess aware of that "problem" and himself most importat figure in it so I am wondering what are his actions, what he is preaching to you about it on satsangs etc...Why not just ask him personally what he has to say about it. Since you were putting those claims in your official sampradaya document I guess he agree with them. You are putting also Tulasi leaves on his feet so its obvious he treat himself as Vishnu tattva and beyond. What to say anymore time will tell, hope you will not take my comment as offending anyone I'm just discussing things... I'm accepting Lord Chaitanya as God, because unbroken bonafide parampara chain system and acharyas (liberated souls) accept him as God and authority like Krishnadas Kaviraja Goswami wrote a biography Chaitanya Charitamrita about him. Also authorities like Six Goswamis of Vrindavan accept him as God and so on. We should always has a "security system" which is called Guru-Sadhu-Shastra approvment. Facts about Lord Chaitanya were presented to me via Srila Prabhupada and his living representative Kadamba Kanana Swami Maharaja.
All the best. Navadvip Candra das


Jai Gurudev!
"Those who think they can understand God with their intellects have no understanding of God. Only those who think He is beyond the scope of their comprehension truly understand Him."

Guruji, Paramahamsa Vishwananda is the center of His devotees' lives and He is beyond our comprehension. We recognize Guruji, Paramahamsa Vishwananda as the ULTIMATE authority in our lives. It is not a matter of claiming that Guruji is God, it is a matter of inner recognition. This inner recognition, this feeling can only be given by Paramatma who dwells in the hearts of all living beings.
