100% Swiss Made Tourbillon For 5000 USD? No way, but yes way!!!

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So I know the title sounds catchy but this is not a hoax! We had the visit of our friend Thomas Baillod who just managed to pull quite an extraordinary trick by having some suppliers of the Swiss watch industry work very fast together to prove a very important point: yes it is possible to develop and manufacture a watch in a short delay not compromising quality and innovation.

This new timepiece that we managed to get our hands on is still the prototype version and a few changes will still be made, but you will get a pretty good view of this watch in this video report.

Enjoy & Viva Watchmaking

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I’m buying one, seems like a historical piece


Beautiful watch! We need people like this in the watch making world like as this keeps people thinking and creating constantly.


That's unbelievable! Well done. 😉


Wow. I like the very contemporary design. It's like a tourbillon for the space age!


Thank you SO much for this video! I cannot afford one of these watches now... but definitely some day. (Subscribed to your website newsletter.) I want to [someday] physically shake the hands of both you gentlemen! As a reluctant, but grateful buyer, [awaiting arrival] of an Aesop tourbillon @USD$290... It will be FABULOUS to own one 100% Swiss Made!!! Unattainable until now. God bless Western Watchmakers!


I own a watch with Tourbillion by Olivier Mory. Went to his shop and spend more than an hour with him. Great guy.


Kudos Mark, By far one of the best interviews, I´ve ever seen not only on the watches tv but on the internet about the watch industry, of course, it is controversial but that is the way to go, that makes you rethink why to pay 20, 40 up to a 100 thousand CHF knowing that even with the mark up its probably only 25 % more than you have to pay to get a great piece with the best quality, I guess Mr. Stern is having an ulcer and a stroke right now because people like him don´t understand where the economy is going. Cheers Mark love the video


Well this is amazing, absolutely want to buy one when I get a chance. Hope there are some cool options coming from them.


I always liked this trailblazers! All dough not my taste(I'm more of an old school guy), but definitely revolutionary... Best of luck to them! Oh, and thank you Mark for the video!!!


It’s fantastic that people are creating pieces like this. I could never afford a hand crafted/polished high end tourbillon. I am such a big fan of the complication and don’t mind how industrial it might be. Hopefully his next budget complication will be a fusee chain🤞🏻🤓


One odd thing: The video of Marc-André's guest lags significantly behind the sound of his voice, while Marc-André's voice is in sync! 🤷🏻‍♂️


Excellent interview and even better watch. Learned a lot about the full commercial cycle of the watches.
I like the explanation of the channels and marketing. But in my view this brand has a two major challenges:
1) the initial Series/models -chapters- use chinese movements. That hurts the brand building in ways you won’t imagine. No matter how much you want to reduce costs, there are corners (even imaginary ones, these chinese movements perhaps are great) that can’t simply be cut.
2) The name of the brand itself; it is impossible to pronounce and doesn’t link with a particularly history. The owner should have named after himself, or something like a landmark in the Jura region where watches are created.


Watches TV, you are doing a brilliant job, thanks! The stories you bring are so cool we sometimes forget you and your part! I have to think about this watch now. Very interesting!


great looking watch, just ordered one ! great video as well - also love the mad watch your wearing !


Lovely interview - I’m personally a huge fan of accessibility and think this is great. People can spend more if they want certain finishes, or love a particular design or style - it’s all in the hands of the buyer. This gives people more options and us viewers (and watch buyers) should celebrate that.

Some comments seem to think this means buying a more expensive watch is wrong, which I don’t think is true. This brand’s purpose is clear and it’s great they are supporting suppliers in this way.

Again, great interview!


He is smart because we all know you can make a high quality Swiss Made Tourbillion for $5k USD. I would be happy to order one. The big brands are just way too hyped up over here. I could take a nice vacation in Switzerland and buy a boat and a house for the price...


I have their chapter 1. It was 400 bucks. The finish is actually pretty good and it is extremely accurate. I dig this brand. I know it’s not authentic as it is Chinese but I love the watch. It’s kind of cooky. I highly recommend you check this company out.


Honestly, I love how it looks this watch, something that I can afford, and not just dream about it, I pesonally hate those who hate or said bad things just because someone try to sell it cheaper (obviously sacrifficing gains), now I have my pockets empty, but I look for it in the future, savings need to be made to get there.


Beautiful Dream come true . . . . Viva Beautiful Watch Making.-


So far, we knew Tourbillon would only on range above
