The Trans Debate: When Ideology *Distorts* Reality | Helen Joyce (All your questions answered!)

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In today's episode, I spoke with Helen Joyce, journalist and author of 'Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality'. We dove into the transgender debate, uncovering key elements of the trans ideology and the harmful effects of gender affirmative care.

Here are some key points we discussed:
*1. Gender identity vs. biological sex:* What each means and why they're not the same.
*2. Origin of the term 'gender':* Exploring where the term came from, why it's useful, and where it allows us to distort our biological reality.
*3. Paradox of gender stereotypes:* How trans individuals embody stereotypes while claiming gender isn't binary.
*4. Abstract vs. concrete:* The Jungian idea that it is dangerous to turn what is symbolic into the concrete.
*5. Gender clinics:* The harmful practices of gender specialists and the slippery slope of puberty blockers, hormones, and invasive surgeries.
*6. Parents are terrorized:* Parents are told that their child will commit suicide if the parent does not affirm their child's preferred genders.
*7. Types of transgender:* Exploring androphilia and autogynephilia among men, and rapid-onset gender dysphoria and social contagion among teenage girls.
*8. Social media's effect on girls:* Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Tumblr are spreading trans ideology to vulnerable teenage girls.
*9: Fan Fiction Trend:* The new trend of erotic fan fiction written by teenage girls for teenage girls, with romantic love stories between male characters from popular books (think a romance story between Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter!)
*10. Trans rights vs. women's rights:* Men identifying as trans women are impinging on women's sports and endangering women in prisons.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below 💭


This episode was recorded on February 22nd, 2024.


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‘Would you rather have a dead son, or a living daughter?’ isn’t a diagnosis, it’s a sales pitch.


Joyce really is one of the great public intellects of our time. Always precise. Always clear. Always lucid. She always manages to bring something new to her interviews and tailor her response to the concerns of the interviewer.


I never thought it would be a revolutionary act when I told my daughter’s school principal that my daughters are too young to consent to being in states of undress with males and that I would never allow it. The middle management pushing this are terrified of normal fathers.


Someone as brilliant & eloquent as Helen Joyce will always give a good interview. But it takes someone special to elicit a great interview. And that is what you did here.


Helen Joyce is my fave and she’s just fantastic. My hero! Also being a gay man it’s just really nice to see family members get it completely- mine do too. She thinks clearly and can communicate far more concisely than I seem to be able to. I am very grateful that she exists.


Helen Joyce is a total absolute brilliant human being...and a woman.


"We've had to regain ground that should never have been lost." In a nutshell. I think the wormhole that took us into the alternate universe was postmodernism.


Straight Irish guy here so proud of WOMEN like Helen and Stella O'Malley fighting back against this nonsense. Enough is enough.


My jaw also dropped at that whole fan fiction talk. I, myself, have read a bit of fan fiction, but nothing like what was discussed. I had never heard of slash fiction and the connection it has to the gender issue. I certainly learned a lot today. Such a great conversation.


Helen is the most important speaker on this topic. Thoughtful, kind and reality based.
Awesome video.


Imagine we started affirming body dysmorphia in people with anorexia.
"You think you need to lose more weight? Of course, here are some diet pills which will let you achieve the body you believe you should have."


I really like Helen Joyce. I can listen to her whenever I come across her talking. She's a badass.


I have a massive respect to Helen Joyce, her intellect and courage.


I find it beautiful how Helen and Kellie-Jay say the same things by using different words. This is wonderful as they are able to inspire potentially most of us ordinary woman ❤


People always comment —correctly— that Helen always brings some new insight or information to every new interview she does, and of course this one is no exception. For me, the standout was how she described, at roughly the 37-40min mark, how parents are on their own now more than they’ve ever been in the past when it comes to a societally created problem. It’s so true.


Helen Joyce is a godsend. She is one of the most important voices out there on this issue. She speaks clearly, she doesn't appeal to subjective things like religion but rather bases her critique on reality and observable, objective consequences, and she is always interesting to listen to. And speaking of being kind, she always comes across as a kind and understanding person. I think when it comes to spreading good sense on this issue to people who may not be decided or are just unaware or even people who think they are dug in to promoting gender ideology, I think she is among the people most likely to be able to open minds and bring those people back to reality. Her measured takes can appeal to the uninitiated everyman as well as to those of us who have been decided on this issue for years. Her book is fantastic, and I recommend everyone read it.


I so appreciate Helen's rationality, balance and eloquence.

I rarely have any of these. I'm so angry.

70yo het man.


It’s refreshing to see this topic addressed objectively and scientifically. As a licensed clinical psychologist for over 30 years, I am aghast at how my profession has sold out to trans ideology and commits the absolute malpractice of engaging in affirmation therapy.


When one side is capable of debating using logic, reason and evidence and the other side is clearly not the idea of being able to settle such a debate is laughable.


A Helen Joyce interview is always completely engaging for me, but compliments also to the interviewer: the questions and input were nuances and interesting, and they led the conversation into new places.
