Do NOT get SILK Eye Laser before watching this!
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Hi, this video answers all the important questions about Elita SILK eye surgery:
1️⃣ Is SILK eye laser possible for thin cornea?
2️⃣ Can Elita SILK Laser be detected in medical exams?
3️⃣ Is it possible to get 6/5 supervision with silk eye technology, just like Contoura Vision?
4️⃣ Can silk eye procedures be done at the age of 40 and above?
5️⃣ Can Elita Silk Laser correct the high number of myopia i.e. specs power more than -8?
6️⃣ Can I get the Elita Silk surgery now or should wait for some time?
✅More Videos on SILK Eye Laser
1️⃣ How SiLK is better than other Contoura Laser?
2️⃣ Limitations of SiLK Laser Surgery?
3️⃣ What is the difference between SILK, SMILE, CLEAR, PRK, EPI CONTOURA, SmartSurf, LASIK, and CONTOURA VISION?
4️⃣ How SILK is better than SILK & CLEAR Lenticule Extractions procedures?
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👉 मैं अपना चश्मा क्यों नहीं हटवाता और Eye Doctor & Celebrities चश्मा क्यों नहीं हटवाते?
👉 आयुष्मान भारत योजना या हैल्थ इन्स्योरंस से चश्मा हटाने का ऑपरेशन कराया जा सकता है?
👉 Contoura Vision & Epi Contoura मे क्या अंतर है?
👉 What is ICL Eye Surgery - What are the types, brands and price of ICL lens?
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Information on various eye problems and treatments shared on this channel is meant to give basic guidelines only, not to be considered advice or a promise of the outcome, and should never be used to replace the advice provided by an eye doctor or other competent healthcare professionals.
इस चैनल पर उपलब्ध विभिन्न आँखो की समस्याओं और उपचारों की जानकारी केवल सामान्य मार्गदर्शन के लिए है। कृपया इसे मेडिकल सलाह के रूप में ना लें और इस जानकारी नेत्र विशेषज्ञ द्वारा दी गई सलाह का विकल्प नहीं माना जाना चाहिए।
1️⃣ Is SILK eye laser possible for thin cornea?
2️⃣ Can Elita SILK Laser be detected in medical exams?
3️⃣ Is it possible to get 6/5 supervision with silk eye technology, just like Contoura Vision?
4️⃣ Can silk eye procedures be done at the age of 40 and above?
5️⃣ Can Elita Silk Laser correct the high number of myopia i.e. specs power more than -8?
6️⃣ Can I get the Elita Silk surgery now or should wait for some time?
✅More Videos on SILK Eye Laser
1️⃣ How SiLK is better than other Contoura Laser?
2️⃣ Limitations of SiLK Laser Surgery?
3️⃣ What is the difference between SILK, SMILE, CLEAR, PRK, EPI CONTOURA, SmartSurf, LASIK, and CONTOURA VISION?
4️⃣ How SILK is better than SILK & CLEAR Lenticule Extractions procedures?
✅ Recommended Videos
👉 मैं अपना चश्मा क्यों नहीं हटवाता और Eye Doctor & Celebrities चश्मा क्यों नहीं हटवाते?
👉 आयुष्मान भारत योजना या हैल्थ इन्स्योरंस से चश्मा हटाने का ऑपरेशन कराया जा सकता है?
👉 Contoura Vision & Epi Contoura मे क्या अंतर है?
👉 What is ICL Eye Surgery - What are the types, brands and price of ICL lens?
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Information on various eye problems and treatments shared on this channel is meant to give basic guidelines only, not to be considered advice or a promise of the outcome, and should never be used to replace the advice provided by an eye doctor or other competent healthcare professionals.
इस चैनल पर उपलब्ध विभिन्न आँखो की समस्याओं और उपचारों की जानकारी केवल सामान्य मार्गदर्शन के लिए है। कृपया इसे मेडिकल सलाह के रूप में ना लें और इस जानकारी नेत्र विशेषज्ञ द्वारा दी गई सलाह का विकल्प नहीं माना जाना चाहिए।