Docker-compose tutorial

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If you have watched my video about "docker explained simply", we will now have a look at how to easily manage multiple Docker containers with just one simple configuration file. We will deploy a simple web server and database.
Follow me:
00:00 - Introduction
03:29 Versioning in docker-compose files
04:40 Deploy a simple webserver with docker-compose
11:30 Add more containers like database
17:00 Remove all docker containers from docker-compose file
18:03 Summary
All links with "*" are affiliate links.
Follow me:
00:00 - Introduction
03:29 Versioning in docker-compose files
04:40 Deploy a simple webserver with docker-compose
11:30 Add more containers like database
17:00 Remove all docker containers from docker-compose file
18:03 Summary
All links with "*" are affiliate links.
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