Self Realization (Illusion Vs Truth)

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In this context of “Self Realization… We will call an illusion… anything that requires something else to be present in order for it to exist… ego.. or the minds sense of self perception is something that is essentially an illusion. It is not constant.. and it is always telling a story in order to stay “alive” or to feel it is real. That story only exists in the mind… and is only present when we observe it.. Therefore, the one thing that the illusion needs to exist is our awareness of it, and attention to it..

YOU are the silent awareness of Self and Experience. Of Life And Creation.. and of the ego that used to hold your story and identity..

This realization will help guide you one step further into the truth of who you are, and what you are connected to. The voice of Self and Source speaks very differently than the voice of the egoic illusion.. and we must access it inside of the silence that exists beneath the voice that we used to think was us

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