What is DEET, And Is It Dangerous?

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DEET is a chemical used in many bug sprays. It's very good at repelling insects, but is it safe? Trace explains what DEET is, why we use it, and if it can actually be harmful.

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Is DEET Safe To Use?
"DEET is a popular insect repellent—an estimated 30 percent of Americans use it every year—yet it sounds like a good number of people are wary of it, too."

How DEET Works
"Is th­e­re anything more annoying than the ­­high-pitched buz­z of a mosquito in your ear?"

New Theory on DEET: Mosquito Just Dislikes It
"Earlier this year, researchers announced they had solved a mystery: how DEET works. DEET, the most popular mosquito repellent, jams odorant receptors in insect nervous systems, masking other odors that attract the bugs."

What is DEET?
"DEET is an insect repellent that is used in products to prevent bites from insects such as mosquitoes, biting flies, fleas and small flying insects."

"Deet is found in a variety of commercial insecticides. Trade names for products containing Deet include Autan, Delphene, Detamide, Deltamid, Flypel, m- Delphene, Meta-Delphene, Naugatuck Det, and Off."

Assessment of methods used to determine the safety of the topical insect repellent N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET)
"N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET) has been registered for commercial use as an insect repellent for over five decades, and is used widely across the world."

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Ugh.. When a mosquito finds it's way into your room. And you're focused on something and then you hear that buzz near your ear. Or worse you get an itch. You have to interrupt whatever you're doing to go into "hunt mode". So annoying! I wish I could just... exterminate the mosquitos of the world.. It's not as if other species would die because of the missing link in the food chain.. right?


I have practically bathed in DEET for more than 60 years. The only side effect I have noticed is it is extremely effective at keeping one from being eaten alive by mosquitoes. To me, DEET smells like summer!


I hate mosquitoes more than any other animal in the world. 👿


Once I put mosquito spray all over my body and then a stupid mosquito bit me right on the tip of my nose because I didn't put it on my face. Now I just don't even wear any. I just stay inside when there are a lot of them.


I travel to a lot of high mosquito areas and find it hard to believe it makes us invisible to them. In many cases simply applying a small amount of a high DEET concentration insect repellant around the collar and cuffs is enough to scare the buggers off. The more likely alternative is that they can detect the chemical and do not like it; for whatever reason that may be and avoid it.


*Careful using DEET on pets!* As a former employee working on an information hotline for OFF and RAID products, it's always advised that DEET shouldn't be applied to areas where animals can lick themselves. As stated in the video, it's not wise to ingest DEET. If an animal scratches an itch on an applied area, the chemical can get onto paws and then licked. It's always best to check with your vet before using DEET on your pet.


As someone who lives in the tropics bug repellents like DEET are part of our daily lives, specially during summer. If you don't have it on you will get swarmed by hundreds of mosquitoes a day.


One more of the big (and few) drawbacks of DEET is the damage it does to plastics. I'm a type one diabetic, and I use an insulin pump (its pretty much a mini iv), and can't use DEET bug sprays because it will ruin my pump. Also, it kind of seems like hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) attracts more mosquitoes. I've had many hundreds of bites happen in just a few hours.


Protips for dealing with 'skeeters:
1) Keep moving. Even if it's just swinging your arms. The moment you stop moving it will get you.
2) Depending if you live by large bodies of standing water (i.e. swamps, standing puddles, ponds), you'll have more to deal with. Try leaving out mixture of cheap soda pop and disdetergent in a bowl. The soap prevents them from flying out and you WILL catch a ton. They make mosquito machines with an added fan, definitely worth a purchase.
3) When you feel them land, KILL THEM IMMEDIATELY! remember that you are human and these creatures shall not disrespect you.
4) Try not to catch malaria.


DEET... phhf i use a flamethrower, kills bugs and has a 100%success rate!

the only thing is make sure you follow the instructions of use:
- point away from face
- point away from people
- use far from other highly flammable sources (trees for example)
- others that dont need mention


i have given up. i have been placing a blood bag outside my door once a month as a sacrifice to the mosquitos and they have spared me the itchiness. its the itchiness that bothers you


I've been deployed to Africa in the military, and 44% DEET insect repellent was issued. I still have some left over, and I use it when I go camping. My non-protected skin gets bites, but nowhere I've applied DEET ever does. I secretly like the smell :)


Just in case you didn't know what Encephalopathy is it is a Disease, damage, or malfunction of the brain. In general, encephalopathy is manifested by an altered mental state that is sometimes accompanied by physical changes. Although numerous causes of encephalopathy are known, the majority of cases arise from infection, liver damage, anoxia, or kidney failure. The term encephalopathy is very broad and, in most cases, is preceded by various terms that describe the reason, cause, or special conditions of the patient that leads to brain malfunction. For example, anoxic encephalopathy means brain damage due to lack of oxygen, and hepatic encephalopathy means brain malfunction due to liver disease. Depending upon the cause and severity of the condition, symptoms may range from mild alterations in mental status to severe and potentially fatal manifestations such as dementia, seizures, and coma.


I live in Florida and we've been getting a ton of rain recently, which means swarms of mosquitoes, so I have my heavy duty bug spray that has 40% DEET. I'm watching as mosquitoes fly up to me, then just fly away. That's why I looked it up, wanted to know why it works so well.


I'm glad you mentioned DDT because I never realized that I have been confusing the two my entire life. Thank you!


Could you please do an episode on lyme desease? Friends and I go camping frequently, and we're really paranoid about ticks. Thanks!


I love that you called Wal-Mart "Wally World", Trace.


I don't repell mosquitoes. I obliterate them.
There are 1000 different mosquito species.
And only about 100 of them go for human blood.
Meaning they can easily be made extinct without it having such a great impact on nature...
so someone go do it please.


There is a rare allergy to a photodegradation product of DEET. So basically, you apply the stuff to your skin, go out in the sun for an hour, and you break out in a horrible rash. Not very fun for those who have it. I had a similar reaction to an unknown agent, and a colleague suggested it might be that. Turns out I'm not allergic to the DEET breakdown product, and we still don't know what caused the reaction, but it was three months of absolute torture. If I did find out it was DEET, I'd just give up on life and spend the rest of my days indoors like a hermit, or move to a colder climate. 


I accidently sprayed this in my eyes. I was aiming for my legs & I didn't realise the lid was facing my way so when I pushed down on the pump it went in my eyes. I went to the hospital & had them rinsed out with a machine. My eyes have red lines in them & I'm so scared they are now going to have permanent red lines in them
