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Dark Souls 1 is a lot more fluid when you don't use the lock on. The four-directional rolling is only present when you are locked on.


Tbh ds1 is my favourite. I love the variety of aesthetics between the areas


For me DS3, Bloodborne and Sekiro share the top spot. Generally speaking i'd say DS3 is my favorite, probably just because it was my first fromsoft game but i really like all 3 equally.
After that i'd put Elden Ring, followed by Dark Souls 1 and then 2. Never played Demon's Souls.

Elden Ring was incredible for sure, but i strongly disagree about it being the objectively best Fromsoft game. In fact, i'd say it's similar to DS2 in how it did a lot right but also a whole lot wrong.
Maybe i'll change my opinion about it when the DLC comes (and i pray that they're making one), but for now this is where it sits for me.

DS 1 was a lot of fun as well but its magic was a little bit lost on me, with it being my 4th fromsoft game, long after its initial hype was gone. Despite that, had the whole game been as good as the first half up until O&S, it might have been my favorite.

DS2 i played the least by far with only 1 playthrough but i could already see why the community is so split about it.
So many good things in the game, and so many bad things... Another title that i could change my mind about with a little more playtime.


Well this is drastically different from my rankings. My quick tier list would be:

Near Perfect: DS1
Incredible: DeS, Sekiro
Great: DS3, Elden Ring
Good: Bloodborne
Bad: DS2

DS1 is possibly my favorite game of all time and I wouldn't say this is a nostalgia thing. I only got into the series 2 years ago and I did a marathon of all of them without much outside expectations. DS1 is the only game that truly blew me away and felt like an instant all time classic. The rest are also great games (DS2 is debatable) but none of them are as mind blowing as DS1. There's a reason every game is compared to dark souls and it spawned a whole genre. It is remarkable. Yes it is flawed but it's irrelevant to me in comparison to how much it does right.

Demon's Souls is an interesting one. I can't say the bosses are all that good on average but the game is just so enchanting. I have a hard time describing it but this game sucks me in over and over. It's such a great time just staring it up and knocking it out in one or two days. I just love it.

Sekiro is a phenomenal game and has the best combat in the series. My only real complaints are that the world and areas aren't the most memorable and the brilliant combat is pretty restrictive which makes every playthrough feel the same. The music is forgettable. Debatably has the best bosses in the series.

DS3 is my pick for the best bosses and the best music in the series. My issue is that the game feels very linear and the areas are pretty bland for the most part. I want to replay it for the bosses but basically everything up to Irithyll is such a slog. And then you go right back to being a slog with irithyll dungeon, profaned capital, and archdragon peak. I guess the only areas I like are lothric castle and irithyll. DLC areas are good though. This hurts the replay value a lot but it's balanced out by how good the bosses are putting it right in the middle of the series.

Elden Ring was a magical experience on a first playthrough but that magic is completely lost on subsequent playthroughs. I will never again fully explore the map like I did on the first playthrough because so much of the content isn't worthwhile. I'll only grab important items to that run and rush to the bosses. Which is pretty standard for the series but for a game as huge as elden ring it's a bigger issue. Also the bosses are shockingly not that good. I had high expectations after DS3 and Sekiro but they're pretty mediocre. It was really easy too for the most part, but that might be my fault for fully exploring the map. Maliketh was the first real challenge, but even that was nothing compared to roadblocks in previous games. Radagon and Malenia destroyed me but I can't decide how I feel about them yet. It feels like it went a bit too far.

My Bloodborne take is likely very controversial but I just don't see what everyone else sees. I think the setting is cool but repetitive, the areas are mostly just fine, and the bosses (excluding dlc) are not great. The combat also never clicked with me. The aggressive style it goes for just isn't fun to me. Sekiro focused on the same idea of being aggressive but managed to make it fun.

I don't even want to talk about DS2. There's already tons of videos on the topic that explain how I feel about it. What I will say is that it's not an entirely terrible game. It alternates between high highs and brutally low lows. I'd compare it to Skyward Sword for any fellow Zelda fans.

Well that was an extremely long comment that no one will probably read, but it's fun talking about these games


I really love ds1 it was my first ever souls like and I played it like 16 times. Also I really liked that the gameplay was so slow. That made it pretty easy but I feel like nowadays it's just rolespam since bloodborne. Despite this bloodborne is my number 2 for its atmosphere and the overall experience just that it is only on ps4 hold me back from playing it more. I think dark souls 3 is my third place just because its fan service and the feeling of it being the last dark souls. Next is probably elden ring and its great but at the same time I don't get the same awesome feeling playing it like every other souls like and it's only before ds2 because the gameplay there was really clunky. Sekiro and demon souls I yet haven't played fully so I can't say anything about them.


9:06 insert walter white fallin on to his knees


bro u should make more of these and u should have more views ur opinions are very thought through and right and the vids are straight to the point and well made good job


As a slow moving strength build user, I disagree so much.

Jokes aside though I simply cannot enjoy games that force you to play a certain (usually fast and weak hitting) way.


Of the ones I played,

1. DS3
2. Sekiro
3. Elden Ring
4. DS 1 and 2


Elden Ring
Demon Souls


In your opinion which one is the easiest. Or anyone reading this which one would you recommend for a first time player?


what would some tips be for sekiro since I feel like i am not getting the combat right and I am just spamming the block button


After playing DS2 in its entirety and playing DS1 again, I think I like DS2 better than 1. I don't know why people think its too clunky, because I think DS1 is significantly clunkier. I think the biggest misstep 2 took was linking rolling i-frames to a stat. I think that contributes greatly to the feeling of "clunkiness" and "bullshit hitboxes that clearly didn't hit me".


1. Bloodborne
2. Elden ring
3. Sekiro
4. Ds3
5. Ds1
7. Ds2


Cant agree with ds1 and im not talking nostalgia at all i played it last before elden ring and it still the best for me. My list would be ds1, bloodborne, elden ring ( i do agree here in an objective robot view this is the best game ), sekiro, ds3, ds2 ( i dont like this game ), demons souls ( i like it more than ds2 but there isnt much for options in builds


For me
Elden ring

Elden ring est le jeu dont j'ai pris le plus de plaisir en long terme ! Y'a tellement de choses que j'ai adoré mais y'en a d'autres que j'ai pas aimé comme le recyclage et la zone neige... Ça a un peu cassé mon plaisir quand j'avançais dans le jeu.

Dark souls 3 est un pure plaisir à partir de la zone de sulyvahn... Avant y'a 3 zones que je n'ai pas trop apprécié: les catacombes + la zone secrète, marées et la zone avec l'arbre. Clairement l'enchaînement était pas dingue mais une fois passé ça je me suis pris des claques surtout le deuxième dlc

Sekiro.... Rien à dire. Un plaisir constant. Y'a pas un moment où je me suis dis mmmh pas trop fan. Vraiment ma session était tellement fluide, j'arrivais pas à m'arrêter. Que ça soit les zones ou les boss. Voilà pourquoi je l'ai mis 1er ^^

Je suis en train de faire demon's souls l'original et pour l'instant j'aime beaucoup


1. Elden RIng
2. Tie between Bloodborne and Dark Souls
3. Another tie between DS3 and Sekiro
4. Demon's Souls
5. Dark Souls 2


-Elden Ring
-Demons Souls


poison swamps in ds3 aren’t as bad as ur making it out to be i swear but i do see what u mean as they can easily be removed and nobody would bat an eye


After playing all of them more than once and doing every quest and side quest, it goes
Elden Ring
Demons Souls Remake
Demons Souls
