FKJ - Skyline

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From the album "French Kiwi Juice" out on Roche Musique

Directors : Kasuy & Cedric Dubourg
Production : DeGaulle
Post-Production : Shaman Agency


Roche Musique :

LYRICS (by Guillaume Héritier & Fkj) :

I’m in the right direction
I mean to ride this ocean
Travelling in slow motion
Paddling with no question

Early morning with the sun
Not yet burning, innocent
I try to be a good son
Myself one hundred per cent

I feel it inside
I wanna reach that
It's somewhere in sight
I wish I'd reach that

Skyline x2
I wanna reach that
Skyline x2
I wish I'd reach
Skyline x2
I'm gonna reach that
Skyline x2

Endless troubles to go through
They are strewn in the city
Daily struggle to be true
Betrayed authenticity

Poison world around but still
I will take another round
Or another ride until
We take off from the ground

I feel it inside
I wanna reach that
It's somewhere in sight
I wish I'd reach that

Skyline x2
I wanna reach that
Skyline x2
I wish I'd reach
Skyline x2
I'm gonna reach that
Skyline x2
Рекомендации по теме

musicians like FKJ are bringing smooth jazz to another level and to young generations.


I'll never forget the first time hearing this song and album. I had heard of FKJ before because of the numerous remixes he was putting out. Went down to NYC to meet up with my mom and cousin for summer '17. Ended up in this Afro-Asian fusion restaurant in Harlem. While waiting for our food, I heard this song playing. So I went over to the speakers and shazammed it. Next song, shazammed again. Realized he probably had the album on shuffle. I can't even remember what the food tasted like, but I don't think I had ever been more musically satisfied than I was listening to his album for the first time. It encapsulated what was one of my favorite vacations ever and hearing this song just takes me back. A lot of times we throw around the phrase, "He/she was born to do this or that." FKJ was born to make music that touches your soul. He is the easiest artist recommendation to make to someone looking for some new music.


The best songs are the ones you randomly discover at random times.


Thanks FKJ. Hard times for everyone and you make us feel humans with your music.

to everyone who is doing homework, leave the chat, breathe slowly, take a sip of water, and focus

to everyone who is trying to sleep, leave the chat, grab a blanket, and get the rest you deserve.

to everyone who is feeling sad, grab a snack, get some water, get a blanket, and write down your thoughts. when you're done, lay down, and get some rest, no matter the time.

to everyone who is drawing, you got this. you're art is amazing. keep your head up (or down, depends on where your paper is) and remember that you matter.

i love you all


man, this guy makes the fucking music that u just drown in


I'm a 56 yr old teenager. I drive every single person nuts blasting this and all my music. I'm ocd so it's non stop. Literally, non stop. Will not stop. I refuse to stop music for one second. 😊❤😅


This brings peace of mind to me.... Mind over Body... The pain, so I must survive...


I'm 3 years behind this beautiful music 🤦🏾‍♀️


this makes me feel spiritual, speaking to the big man above all praise be to you Amen.


I had the pleasure of seeing FKJ in concert and he is audibly and visually spectacular, I've been to many concerts and this one was unlike anything I've ever seen.


Handsome, talented, gifted and seems mad chill. That’s a whole package. 😅


You know the music is gonna be chill when you see people riding bikes


I love FKJ, his music takes me to another place, a happy place.
Greetings from Argentina!


This song represents what life just about. Take some minutes to just chill, and enjoy the ride with awesome people. Nothing else matters.

Thanks for making me feel I was the riding with you FKJ!!


I am a fan of FKJ! I listen to it when I am studying. The smooth jazz beats just inspire me!


man, fkj really is like a jack of all trades when it comes to music. this is the first time ive heard his voice and i wasnt expecting what i heard. well done. the beat on this jam is just faaaantastic.


When my friends ask me for song recommendations, FKJ is always on the top of my list


Il m'emmène dans son monde à chaque fois il me fait vibrer, c'est un grand artiste et un super zikos merci Vincent 😊


I was in a bad mood and heard I’m Blessed that did it for me . Have loved everything since and I’m 70 but you would NEVER know that by listening to my music choice .


I have gained more respect for YouTube because of the amazing recommendations