Friday Night Funkin' Corrupted Night FULL WEEK DEMO | VS Tankman (Come Learn With Pibby x FNF Mod)

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Friday Night Funkin' Corrupted Night (FULL WEEK DEMO) for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD. For now, only Tankman is available in Corrupted Night, but I think their wallpaper teases more characters.

Corrupted Night [Demo] (Come Learn With Pibby x FNF Mod)

Game Note by ROYAL: THIS IS ONLY A DEMO I HOPE YOU ENJOY! if the game crashes on entering in story mode, freeplay or options

We'll be playing it on very hard, the mod has 3 songs, 1 new game over screen and it is only a demo. Will Boyfriend and Girlfriend get corrupted or will BF & GF be able to survive this corrupted world? Let's find out!

All Songs from Friday Night Funkin' Corrupted Night Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Game Over Animation | Song Preview
00:21 Jumpscare / Intro
00:28 Title Screen
00:32 New Menu
00:45 Overworld Map | All Weeks
01:00 Teaser?
01:08 Hgu Song | Ugh (Corrupted Tankman vs BF)
03:15 Ugsn Song | Guns (Corrupted Tankman vs BF)
05:56 Rsetss | Stress (Corrupted Tankman vs BF)
08:00 Thank you for playing / Secret Code
08:17 Freeplay | Song List
08:26 Outro - CommunityGame

Mod Creators for VS Corrupted Tankman below
VS Corrupted Night FULL WEEK (Cutscenes) Mod Download link:
.ROYAL. - Coder and Director:
Electrolito Z - Animator/Artist:
JP13 XD - Animator:
Colorous Donut - Artist:
alexander198 - Animator/Artist:
MaxDemon - Bf Scream Artist:
FFV - Promo Artist:
FrankitoGB41 - Musician:
4RN4Uxd305 - Musician:
YaS_ - Musician:
Lucky Rabbit - Charter:
Lucio Machadoxd - Charter:
Forggon - Charter:
SugarRatio - Entity Colab:
Rebecca_Doodles - Retaken Sanity Colab:
Banbuds - FNF Lullaby Colab:
PabloelproxD210 - Fix Bug:
Shadow Mario - Psych Engine Creator:
RiverOaken - Art for Psych Engine:
bbpanzu - Psych Engine Extra Coder:

Get the game and support the creators of the game FNF Full Game:
Mid Effort No-Hero Come Learn With Pibby x FNF Concept:

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Friday Night Funkin' gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k (2021)
#FridayNightFunkin #corruptednight #VsTankman #Pibby #Sonic #PibbyxFNF #ComeLearnWithPibby #Creepypasta #Scary #CommunityGame
Рекомендации по теме

I love that you can actually hear parts of Ugh, Guns and Stress in the middle of each song


The concept of a map indicating that there will be more songs for this mod makes my day.and the fact that Tankman is holding a gun, indicating he did try to fight off the corruption and how he still says "Heh, pretty good" lol


I like how the gunman in the back is pointing his gun NOT at GF, but instead corrupted Tankman. The bigger threat.


I always love mods that have the enemy’s singing actually effect the health bar. Especially on this mod, it really makes it seem like a fight for your life.


Hello! Here one of the charters, Thanks for play the mod!!!


The interesting thing is that this looks like from original fnf because of how everything looks like.
Not only corruption on just tankmen but also on anyone else with accual emotions.
Great mod imo


*”heh, pretty good!-“*

Damn this broke me. He still has enough humanity to actually nod some words o encouragement to BF.


Lets just let the fact bf is so op he can still retry when hes corrupted


All these pibby mods are starting to become high efforts, also can't wait for cartoon takeover to come out


I like how the names of the songs are same as week 7 just letters being wrongly placed, probably because of corruption, awesome Pibby mod tho!
Cant wait to see more of this mod!<3


I love that you can here parts of the original songs of Week 7. Nice touch.


2:29 pause when bf sings the rigth note and you will have an epic image


I love the animations from Tankman. Pibby mods just get better and better, don't they? Also, there are references to Ugh, Guns and Stress in each of the songs.


Always love the fucked up charting on the enemies side with the glitches. And then boyfriends smooth singing. Something about it is so damn great


Great mod and great in paying attention. For Tankmans week we see that one of his men is there with a gun ready and I'm sure that's Steve. He would never leave his Captian, and if in a situation probably kill them to prevent anything spreading further.


Finally someone is doing the regluar weeks instead of out of game characters


I just like the fact that the Pibby mods that are coming out now actually look like they took time and effort to make. Not just something slapped together in 5 minutes...


Fun fact:The left sprite for Tankman is him holding the gun to the side of his head as if he’s gonna shoot himself


I know this is creepy and supposed to be creepy but tankman smiling like “:D” *is actually cute-*


Pibby mods that explore how this whole thing happens with the base game characters from FNF are always really cool. It almost makes me wonder how a week with Monster would be like! I really can't wait for more, the locations and characters are really interesting so far!
