Will my 3x 3090 Vast.ai mining rig work?

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*DISCLAIMER* When it comes to GPU Mining, remember Silicon Lottery! Results MAY vary from GPU to GPU so your Clocks/Undervolt/Voltage shown in my videos may not work for you because of GPU Brand/Memory/Manufacturing what have you. Temperatures and your Cooling methods will also play the part and have an affect. Test at your OWN RISK and do your OWN RESEARCH.

DISCLAIMER: Red Panda Mining is not a financial advisor nor an expert. This is not financial advice. Everything said in this video is a opinion. The statements in this video are not investment advice. This video is intended solely for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. Always do your own research before investing in Crypto Mining. Never invest more than you can afford to lose. Red Panda Mining is not responsible for your losses or gains as a result of buying, selling, trading or mining cryptocurrencies.
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It is practically certain that the amount of RAM will be a big bottleneck. The general standard is: Total VRAM(3x24) x 3(or 4) = recommended amount of RAM. I would consider 256GB of RAM to be optimal for that setup.


Good luck with Vast. Cant wait to see the results


I have very mixed feelings about AI. Having said that, it will be interesting to see where this all goes. I’d like to try and put a rig together so long as it doesn’t detract from the rest of my mining


Had to get rid of all my mining stuff due to uk electric price but got a 4090/3090 currently that use for messing with AI, id love to be able slowly pay this 4090 off abit but dont see how its possible even with cheap electric least with mining can underclock, id guess these ai programs would insist on full power useage etc.


I used the same ribbon cables that you have, same brand some 30cm others 20cm and it worked fine for several months. The only issue I had is using PICO PSU even it it was rated for 300W to power the motherboard, but I didn't add supplement power for PCIe in the motherboard (some motherboards use 6pin PCIe, some use molex) and that costed me the motherboard. After that I use ATX power supply and connect all the cables that needed by the motherboard and HP power supply to power the GPUs. I think you need to connect both CPU cables even if your not going to overclock because threadripper is power hungry CPU.


If using premium cables, you can easily extend to 3.6metres, guessing around 12feet in freedom units. At least if LTT didnt f✲ck up on those stats too.


RPM! Thanks so much for producing this short video. I watched a majority of the posted live stream, but it’s difficult for me to watch your full length feature films lol. Unfortunately, there is too much I must prioritize over that format. I know YT likely demands you post daily or more frequently to be relevant and quality production line you bring takes time from the things you must prioritize. I’ll watch when I can regardless. I have seen others cut their live stream into segments of greater interest (less fluff 😁). Maybe that is a happy medium. I would be curious to see the comparison of your shorter videos to your longer videos performance. Not sure what’s best for the YT algorithm beast.

All that too really say …thanks for your content and your help in mining! lol


lets go, i need to put some gpus to work...hopefully the electrical is not so bad


Miss these videos, live streams are too long and I can’t watch them usually :(


What PDUs do you have? I can't find one that looks like yours on Amazon


Anybody can help me, I have PSU cougar GEX 1050 and I can't jump start it I use a wire jumper connect the green pin (it's black in this psu) with any ground pin as I am doing usually with any psu but with this one the power just turn on and then off after a second
I need to turn it on without connect to motherboard to feed my GPUs


HAsh Force ideal is cheaper that buying and sever case for GPUs. But when i do get the money like to spend 2, 000 for the OCTOSERVER E10-X99-2 or the OCTOSERVER
FLUX EDITION with the $50 off red panda code. cool. but for now doing a sever x999 motherboard with that mining frame like hash force is talking about and on the frame u can mount 2 mother boards. have to run new Eletric wiring. like heavy duty


And those cables should be fine if you are on PCIe 3.0, I already use the for couple of years on some of my systems. And yes, I also use c-payne risers on most of my machines


thats good but 3090s are already bandwith capped with pcie 3.0 x16, though not by much


new word day 'degration' lol
30cm is nothing for PCIe3 youre fine.

3090s draw minimally through the risers

you should use the slimsas powered risers though, ultimately.


Thank you for your videos. Have a nice vacation


Should you match cards with ai? I have a 3080ti and a 3090, would the jobs bottleneck if you mixed different cards?


Can’t make my self to build test with 2x rtx 4090… have amd 7900x also for this project but don’t know profitability….


Spinning fans, the heat. Gets me crazy...😊


What was the motherbaord you are using? And is there any motherboard with more then 3 16x pcie slots?
