Dog got attacked by 5 dogs and how to protect your dog.

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An update on Maverick, the dog that got attacked by five German Shepherds.
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This is one of the many reasons you’re so loved by your subscribers; you give unconventional yet incredibly helpful tips and you stand your ground 💯


Your rock! I absolutely love it! "Be mad at your government, not me." That has to be the most perfect response ever! The world needs more men like you that have a backbone!


I always carry pepper spray when I walk my dog. It's not only for the potential of an aggressive dog confrontation, but for creepy people that are in the city that I live. Never had to use it, but I would if needed.


Ground to face aiming! That’s perfect 👍🏻 here in Canada “pepper spray” is band, however….”dog spray” is not. And it’s just pepper spray under a different wife takes out our young daughter and large dogs for a walk all my the time and we have pepper spray even without the dogs! It’s an absolute must.


You are the GOAT after this video! Anyone acting like they would never use pepper spray to break up a dog fight has never seen a true dog fight.


I love your honesty! You dare to tell ppl what they don't like to hear!


Dog on the left, pistol on the right.


I like this channel very much, ik think it's the best there is on the internet. I see a lot of good questions in the reactions and I understand Joel can't answer them all but I think it would be nice if he would answer 1 or maybe 2 good questions in every topic and pin that question so that everyone can read the answer and learn from it


thats the law in Germany:
Allowed for protection against animals.
For animal defense, the use of pepper spray is only permitted for self-defense or emergency aid. If you or someone else are attacked by a dog, for example, you can use the spray for defense.

Thats the law in Netherland, where I live (as A German):

Pepperspray, also known as pepernevel of OC-gas, is a spray that de works with capsaïcine Capsaïcine is a tingling extract uit chilipeper. The tool is made of capsaïcine by means of van drijfgas in a compact spuitbus which can be used (in landen waarin dit is toegestaan) to aanvaller. Capsaïcine is the substance that is considered illegal in pepperspray in the Netherlands.
Bodyguard Knock Out spray is a legal alternative op pepperspray in Nederland because there is no capsaïcine in it, what is verboden in nederland. You can use self defense spray from Bodyguard for selfdefense. It lasts 4 meter and "blinds" the attacker for a short period of time.

I certainly would use it also, if I had a small dog which would be attacked by a big dog. I always think, that the defense has to be appropriate. We are not talking about carrying weapons and shooting dogs. And I certainly would use it, if a kid or someone else in my care seems to be attacked. And I certainly would use it against people in the same cases. I´m always a fan of thinking myself and acting like I deep feel, is the right way. I respect the law of cause and in certain circumstances one had to make own decisions and of cause take responsibility for that decisions.


You are so freaking awesome!!! Best reply ever, "I'm going to pepper spray you, if you don't go back in your house" 🤣😂 On a serious note, great idea. I carry a taser with me to use of another dog attacks us. I'm going to get a pepper spray today.


Great point! If I can save my dog, or even self from getting attacked, I would definitely defend myself.
If you're walking through the woods where bears roam, would you not carry bear spray, or a pew pew? Get attacked by either, then answer the question.


Great video. Replace the pepper spray yearly, use the old one for practice, (not in your yard). I've had the propellant leak out, especially when left in a hot vehicle.


People getting mad about using pepper spray advice as last line of defense never have been in a real bad situation with another dog.
If a 40kg german shepherd dog runs up to your dog with nothing than aggresion in his mind, you want something to defend urself. I had this incident once, luckily I could break up the fight
but it could have been really bad for my dog and for me as well. To this day I still feel tension in me just thinking about it. Pepper spray gives me confidence that if I will ever be again in a EXTREME situation like that, I can do something.


Joel you are a voice of balance and reason!
I carry pepper you said....a last resort. I will be a responsible pet owner and I will protect my dog....Common sense is definitely in short supply. Think people!


I would guess the people commenting about not using it have never been in a position where they needed a last line of defense; similar to people without children who give parenting advice. Thanks for the info and tips, this is good to know.


I had a dog killed by 2 loose dogs.I agree with your advice.


I would LOVE to have pepper spray to keep my lovely, sweet natured dog SAFE.
Yesterday, she ran into the Sea to get away from an extremely large, bullying Lurcher.
Citronella spray is hopeless compared to pepper spray!


It hurts my heart to hear this. What a very sweet boy. I have a German Shepherd and it breaks my heart to hear this. Five dogs much less 5 GSDs. WTH!


Just thought I should tell you, the proper way to use pepper spray is to press the trigger with your thumb, it gives you better accuracy than your index finger. But I loved your video overall


There are a couple lines of defense past pepper spray…..
