Think Twice Before You Dropship: How to Actually Make Money Online

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In today’s video I share my thoughts on why I believe dropshipping is the biggest scam in 2022…
And how these no-experience “gurus” are tricking you into buying their BS courses. Then, I’m going to give you a much better way to get rich with E-Com… That won’t get you banned off important advertising and payment platforms.




Hey, if we haven’t met before, I’m the owner and founder of 'The Oodie', one of Australia's fastest growing ecommerce brands.

00:00 - D-Fog is the way
01:29 - Video intro
02:19 - What is dropshipping?
03:41 - 3 Reasons dropshipping sucks
05:33 - No repeat customers
08:05 - Zero product uniqueness
09:06 - Guru’s psychological tricks
10:22 - The better way to start an ecom brand

DISCLAIMER: The content provided in this YouTube video is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. Any recommendations, reviews, or opinions expressed are based on personal experiences and research, and individual results may vary. Viewers are encouraged to conduct their own due diligence and consult with relevant professionals before making any purchasing decisions or implementing strategies discussed in this video. The creator of this content shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of information presented herein.
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when you know what your strengths and your weaknesses are and you know where you can improve and when you're determined the only limit is in YOU


I have so much respect for you, Davie. You deserve every single penny you earned. I hope to run my own brand, not even to get rich, but to be proud of my own little brand. Thanks again.


I've learned so much with your channel Davie thank you. This is exactly what you are talking about: giving true value to the people.


One thing I noticed with your channel is you know how to evoke emotion with argument, in phase I you evoked fear/dismay while talking about the cons of dropshipping, the ugly parts of the industry.

And you pulled euphoria/hope towards the end talking about the positives of ecomm -> highlighting your argument for ecomm with appropriately invoking emotion using music and tonality, love it! Learned a lot, information and video creation!


Love how you talked your self up D.Fog. Such an Aussie thing. Your content is by far the best on YouTube. Keep up the great work mate.


Hi Davie. I appreciate this a lot. I jumped in guns blazing into dropshipping. It's been 3 months. I did really well at the start, but the further I get into it, the more inefficient I find it to be. I appreciate it in the fact that I have discovered the world of e commerce. But it's just not it. Thank you for voicing this and helping me to not feel alone I'm the struggle. Go well


Really happy to see this issue having a spotlight.

Many of these "Econs" are ruining lives


Lethal combination of concise information with a sprinkle of motivation mindset and humour a great recipe but one which I'm sure which will be copied by gurus everywhere. Well done.


I was going down the dropshipping route until i watched this video. Thank you. This makes so much sense!


I saw two of your videos a week ago and became a fan because you are not hyping like others. Then a few minutes ago I was watching other commerce yt video and you were interviewed. I found out you are a legend. i have never respected any other ecommerce people as much as I respect you now. So humble and truthful


This is probably the BEST video I have seen so far as I begin to research how I can develop a side hustle that can add to my life.


I just love you so much bro! Thanks for all the free value! 🙏🏼❤️


Love it! Thanks for having you in the platform


Thank you so much mate, this was full of value and very informative 👏💯


Great video! I like the fact you cover the negative sides of Dropshipping, Dropshipping is simply a way to reduce risk, some of the biggest businesses in the world use it, it’s all about how you do it and your intentions, if done wrong it can be bad for the consumer

That’s why we as leaders have to teach the right way of doing it

Because it’s truly a great opportunity in my opinion

Stay safe everyone happily new year
Make sure you watch Davies videos in full and subscribe ❤️👑


So happy I found your channel. I'm 36 years old and not where I want to be in life and its time to make a change. I've been interested in drop shipping for years now and never had the guts to try. Your story is absolutely inspiring. I recently just had the motivation to try e-commerce/drop shipping, And I'm fully aware of the "gurus" selling a course or packages just like theirs those people in every industry, but hearing you explain it really helped me understand what drop shipping is meant to be for, basically, for product testing or finding a good supplier. Once you find a good product and supplier then you focus on making a brand around that product with a few other products related to your main one. Last night I made a second Tik Tok account, just for finding other brands out there to see how they are doing it. I've been learning a lot from you and a few others on Youtube these past few days and I really thank you. I know I still have a lot to learn but I'm excited to get started! I know it won't be easy but neither is working for someone else your whole life. Thanks again Davie! Can't wait to dig into your content more 🙏


I am so glad you made this Video! I started creating my own brand about 6 weeks ago. And in the beginning i thought it might take me 2 weeks or so. But it is muchhhh more than that. And I love it. It just gives me the creativity I want. I don't have to rely on copying from others. And with doing most of the things my self there still is a lot to do. Your video just boosted my confidence because I felt like I was doing something else than others, which could be a bad thing. But you proved me right 🤗


You are amazing. Genuine, insightful, providing actual values not just with your ecommerce stores but in your personal business as well. Great rewards always go to people like you!


I had a Shopify store that made over $25k in revenue within the first couple of days of me opening it. Shopify/Stripe considered it to be suspicious and "high-risk", so they shut down the store and banned me from the platform. They also froze payout for 120 days (not before taking their fee, of course). I can't view order details on the site nor can I offer customers refunds. Some are threatening lawsuits and others are review bombing me on Google and Facebook. I also have upcoming bills that I absolutely cannot afford to pay. It's been a complete nightmare.
