Dokran - the most accurate guided mortar munition in the world that can surprise any hiding enemy

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Watch the most accurate guided mortar munition in the world that surprises any hiding enemy.

Developed by IMI Systems, the new Dokran accurate 120 mm GMM GPS guided mortar munition allows to strike ground targets pointedly and enables tactical combat units, Special Forces and other units to hit qualitative targets from a long distance of up to 8 kilometers in an accuracy level of up to 10 meters, while minimizing the operational risk.

Guided by a GPS and inertial navigation systems the Dokran was developed to meet the operational needs of minimizing collateral damage and preventing the harm of uninvolved civilians in populated urban areas.

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פעם תעייש היה מקום ותעשיה טובה בואו איפה היום בשחיתות יופי שתעייש נמכר !!!


Apparently greatest accuracy you gotta take all your 120mm for a little plane ride lol


Can we design guided mortar and launcher.
