How to use custom fit tooth whitening trays.

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Dr. Rich shows you how to use custom whitening trays. Whitening trays are also known as bleaching trays and are used to whiten teeth at home. Dr. Rich uses Opalescence whitening gel by Ultradent in the video but the technique will work for other brands of tooth bleaching gel as well. He shows how to load bleaching gel into the custom bleaching trays, how to insert the trays into your mouth, and how to clean the whitening trays after you are done using them.

I made a chart of wear times for different strengths of whitening gel.

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MEDICAL ADVICE DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description including: infor­ma­tion, opinions, con­tent, ref­er­ences and links is for infor­ma­tional pur­poses only. The Author does not pro­vide any dental advice on the Site. Access­ing, viewing, read­ing or oth­er­wise using this content does NOT cre­ate a dentist-patient rela­tion­ship between you and it’s author. Pro­vid­ing per­sonal or med­ical infor­ma­tion to the Principal author does not cre­ate a dentist-patient rela­tion­ship between you and the Principal author or authors. Noth­ing con­tained in this video or it’s description is intended to estab­lish a dentist-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained dentist or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional dental advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. You should con­sult a licensed dentist or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your com­mu­nity in all mat­ters relat­ing to your dental health.
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I have been so afraid to use my trays despite my dentist explaining. But seeing it makes me feel so much better. Finally gonna use em after over a month of having em.


I'm so thankful for this video! My dentist didn't show me how to do this either, instead gave me a vague instruction sheet.
Today, I used my custom trays for the first time and thought I would cry, it hurt so bad! Thinking the edges of the new trays were sharp, I tried to tough it out. Less than 6 minutes in, I pulled them off and looked in the mirror. It was obvious my gums were angry. I wasn't too happy either. Prior experience using the preloaded trays with no issues, this was a very different experience. It was unpleasant but the minimal amount of time they were on, there's a difference! Whiter but uncomfortable guns!

Because of your informative video, I know what mistakes I made and will be trying again in a couple of days. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge. Whitening not being something I do, I didn't know what questions to ask, I had that "instruction" sheet... Ha!

Seriously, dental offices who offer this at home application should be much more proactive about instructions and most especially informing their patients that bleach can cause not only gum irritation but BURNING.

Thank you again! I hope my trays last as long as yours have, excellent tips for cleaning and care!


Very detail and thoroughly. I wish the dentist or staff could have express this detail versus leaving me to my own imagination.


Really appreciate this video! My dentist told me to use bleaching gel 3x a week during my last 2 weeks of Invisalign trays. Now I know how to apply the gel. Thank you!


Doc, thank you for the video. After having the trays and gel sitting in my fridge for over a year I'm finally doing the bleaching. I was honestly just so happy with the results of my braces that I feel I didn't need the extra bleaching. I am finally ready, especially now that there's a video that carefully demonstrates the drop-by-drop method. Thank you!


Thank you, my dentist didn't explain the correct way and I think a dental office should refer patients to a video. I used Opalescence and their video was awful.


Great video. I tried to get explanation from my dental office but they rushed through. I had no idea without seeing complete visual as you did. Thanks for tip on cold water to wash! I'm sure I would have used hot not knowing.


just got my trays done from my dentist. thank you so much for this video, especially washing the trays with cold water part, almost ruined mine.


Best video about the use of the gel, so far. Thank you a lot!🙏🏼


Thanks! Makes more sense than what the technician told me. She said put gel in base crevice area. I was wondering why not on the face of tooth.


These are great instructions. I wasn't given much information from my dentist, but this video even shows how to place the solution in the trays. I was unsure of the proper way but now I know.


Excellent! You clarified what i was struggling with using my first gel tube. (I was able to get 2.5 days from one tube = filled 5 trays using both methods you explained)


Thank you! That was very clear and concise, and it answered all my many questions 🙏🏽
My “polyday” gel is from “2018-01”. Yes, I got it four years ago, and just procrastinated! My teeth have never been such a shade of yellow, and I’m really eager to whiten up! I don’t drink coffee, and barely any wine or tea… it’s just time.
Just tried the first tube today. It comes out as a gel, not as a liquid. I have kept it in the fridge, I am hopeful that it will still work to some degree.
The lower tray fits fine, the upper one, not as great. The upper one also causes me to have it get a mouthful of saliva, as well, so I may have to get a re-fitting 😞 to be able to tolerate it.
The tubes say “9.5% hydrogen peroxide gel”. The dental assistant said to use it for *20 minutes*, which is markedly different from the amount of time you’re recommending. I’m going to call them to check if I mis-heard, or if they have another reason for that amount of time.
Thank you again for sharing your knowledge 🙂


Thanks for the video. I was concerned I would not apply the gel correctly but now I know what to do.


Thank you so much for your video. I was told how to use, but (having never used it before) I needed to see how to use it. This grandma appreciates you.😇


Thanks for this video! When I went to pick up my trays they handed me a bag, said to read the instructions then almost pushed me out the door saying BYE! Got home, read the instructions and the very first item on the list...load the trays as explained by your dentist. It wasn't even a dentist that handed me the bag, just an assistant. eye roll....

Winery Estate Dental Group, Rancho Cucamonga, CA.


Thank you for explained/ instruction how to use the custom whitening's very helpful. You made different Top man😊


Such a great and detailed video! Thank you for explaining everything, very helpful 👏🏻


THANK YOU! Wish my dentist had provided even half of this information.


This was so helpful thankyou. My dentist did explain what to do but I was very scared of putting too much gel much so think I haven't put enough! 🤦🏻‍♀️Will try better tomorrow having seen this. 😊
