How I Create Digital Downloads From the Idea to the Finished Product/New Digital Kit

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I use Affinity Photo for creating the digitals.
Ray uses Clip Studio Paint and Photoshop.
For royalty-free images, visit THE DIGITAL COLLAGE CLUB
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music from Epidemic Sound: Borrowed Matches by Tape Machines, Drifting Among Strangers by Gavin Luke, Blue Brook by Peter Sandberg
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Thank you for the behind the scenes experience Barbara. There is so so much work, love and care artists put into their pieces. We often take for granted this fact and it is good to get a reminder, every once in a while, that when we see/purchase a finish work of art, we need to appreciate the amount of hours, commitment, dedication, passion, and care an individual puts on the creative process.


What a super interesting video! Thank you, Barbara, and thanks to Ray, for showing us this process. It certainly makes me appreciate everything you do even more!


That was freaking interesting! I was like oh wow, how different can creators work?! So crazy! Same result - a digital printable paper - and so very different ways of work behind. Some steps are totally the same but others... Wow. I loved the part when Ray painted the images! She's sooo very talented! And you as well! Thank you so much for this view over your shoulders!


So cool! I hope this helps people understand the time that goes into making digitals! Loved this!


Thank you for being so generous with sharing your 'how you create digital downloads' process. I was absolutely intrigued. So interesting. Beautiful images and designs. :)


Very cool to see your process😍 Suggestion, make sure when printing that “fit to page” is not highlighted. When it is highlighted, even when you’ve selected borderless, the program enlarges the image and the outer edges of the image are lost. Hope that helps.


Thanks for taking us along for the ride, Barbara, I found it very interesting!


i do not think anybody realize how much design knowledge and time it takes to do a digit set to download.
thank you Barbra for this video and all the videos
you are very inspiring and VERY tidy
love Grete


This was very interesting! I like the idea that you have a stand alone shop. When I was in Art school a million years ago, Egyptian art was my favorite. 😊💜


Oh Barbara, how exciting and interesting to see how you create your kits. Watching Rae was fascinating as well. What a beautiful kit with stunning images. Thank you. 👍🥰❤️


Great work you do, as well your chosen artist! But you are an artist yourself and an amazing woman! Thank you for sharing this process! Would love to see more of this occasionally!


I thought that it should take some time to do digital kits. But I have not realize how much work that it take, both from you and Ray. Thank you for showing all the steps.


I knew it was an intricate process in making digitals, but to see how they are made was amazing. Thank you for showing the process. The kit is gorgeous.


Thank you for sharing this process :) This was great to see how much work actually goes in to creating a digital kit. I certainly had no idea of the level of involvement to create the kits. They are very beautiful and, indeed, you have truly found your calling 😍😍


Thanks so much for this type of video. I have never seen another video like this. You do amazing work as does your friend Ray.


So cool to see how your create your digitals sweetie 💕 and the drawings you get from Ray, wow. 😘 I'd love to see more, yes. Big hug 🤗


You tube has swept me on to another video twice so I will quickly tell you I really enjoyed watching your artistic process for creating your digitals. They are gorgeous digitals!


Didn't realize how much time and patience it takes to create these digis. I love ancient Egyptian history also. Look forward to getting these.


Fabulous job, Barbara and Ray! I absolutely love the colours of this kit. Very informative, Barbara. Thankyou for all your hard work. Can't wait to get this one.


Liebe Barbara, das war sogar sehr interessant mal so einen ganzen Entstehungsprozess zu sehen und auch wieviel Arbeit darin steckt. Gerne mehr solche Formate! 👍😁Viele Grüße, Doreen
