He Knocked Down A Wall In His House And Found An Entire Hidden City

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Now, I love a good nose about in other peoples’ houses, don’t you? Today we are taking you one step further and we are going to show you some of the things that have been concealed, even from the residents of these homes, sometimes for hundreds of years…

From an entire flipping underground city, to an ancient mediaeval well, here are 20 Creepy Things Found Hidden In Peoples’ Homes.

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I always lived with and took care of my grandmother. When she passed her children came in and took items they wanted. Her will ended up giving everything to my Father, he didn't want it and gave it to my brother and I. We ended up with 17 house's and the farm. He told me if I cleaned it out I could have everything I found. I got 1.4 million dollars in Railroad stock, $700, 000 in jewelry, and $80, 000 worth of furniture.


If i was the guy in the first video i wouldn't have told anyone and moved my whole entire family in with me. We'd have a whole underground city to ourselves


The couple with the snake house should have sued that real estate agent. Even if they signed paperwork saying they "knew" about all those garter snakes, she told them that it was "just a story made up by the previous owners", which tells me that realtor slipped that disclaimer in with the rest of their paperwork when they purchased that house. NO ONE would willingly and knowingly buy a house infested with garter snakes in the walls, floors, etc. I find it hard to believe a judge wouldn't side with the couple that got rooked. By sue that real estate agent, I mean the couple gets possession of that realtors house + plus punitive damages + whatever else they could be awarded money + plus that agents real estate license being revoked, not suspended, but PERMANENTLY REVOKED; AND that real estate agent to be court ordered to purchase that snake infested house WITHOUT EVER legally being able to resell it or rent it out since they seem to have a complete absence of integrity to begin with. Consequences are necessary. It's the least the realtor deserves considering it cost that couple filing bankruptcy and the house being foreclosed on for circumstances that were out of their control because of a shady realtor. In my not so humble opinion. A Monopoly Board? Seriously? That game sucks beyond all possible belief! I always hated that game ! I still hate that game!
Now if it had been Battleship...that would have been an entirely different story! 😁 Kudos to the family at # The basement cemetery is creepy AF.



The Entire Neighborhood Would Have Been Part Of This Huge City Not Just This Guys House!


That hidden tunnel under her house I believe that it is an air raid shelter….or some people have a fear of something, they could hide in…


I remember being told in school that sometimes in the prohibition the booze would be poisoned to get the message across. I would've been nervous to drink any of that😅


If the previous owners didn’t tell you about the secret room, they obviously didn’t know about it and the coins belonged to previous owners before the previous owners. They shouldn’t have accepted the coins and I hope karma gets them


Come on the first one with the Abandon city was pretty cool. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 Thanks for your video.🌻


No 14 hidden tunnel is not a tunnel but an old winecellar. Used to store large barrels of beer, wine and high-end liquors or whiskey.


I think that tunnel was prob used during prohibition, maybe the Underground Railroad! Would be exciting to find out what it was for… 😊


The Realtor lied about the snake’s why would they have to file for bankruptcy they should have gotten their money back because she kept important information from them and they have a child I would have sued the Realtor’s Company


"Well, well, well." 🤣🤣 ... Why would anyone build a house over a well? Thank you for this fun vid. And- thank you for injecting your humor here and there during this presentation.


The art world is disgusting. When it comes to paintings you may have of course they don't want to authenticate anything. Especially if they feel it will bring wealth to someone. They play this game of waiting or not authenticating for years. It's nasty business.


Great video, and I'm sorry to say I laughed every time you tried to say album and said "Al blum" instead.


Could Of Been One Al Capone House 🏠 ! Mr, Capone Had House Under Ground Tunnel's In Illinois Going To Other House's !


Talk about Adding an extension to your house


Moodfloods and other catastrophes have hidden previous eras. Quite interesting.


The girl with the second apt in NY. I would have kept my mouth shut. Landlord probably charges her for it now..or tents it out and they pass though her apt to get to theirs ..or kicked her out.. remodeling make 2 higher priced apts. Well, mabe that's just my landlord..I shouldn't have fixed up a creepy basement, or dusty attic..tried to charge more..tried to rent them out..having people go through my apt..( hells Naw) tried to evict me to make money..I left..I took all my renovations with me, put it all back the way I found it. Dirty, moldy, full of rubble in the basement..attic..pulled out the new floor, walls, and windows, I had put in and put originals back in. ALOT of work to re install all the old stuff back the way it was, and costly.. but..no deposit because I altered the house without permission..smh ( new walls, floors, windows, stove, fridge, washer/ dryer, you get the idea. So..I took my new Stuff, and since I left the original in tact. That's the way I left it. ( Didn't have cell phones..or internet. Only cameras, took before, during after..then I did it backwards..to the original. Judge laughed at him. Told him he should have just given me my deposit back. That I was allowed to take " my" drywall, flooring, appliances, cement, windows, I had labor and material receipts for renovations beautiful, clean, AND labor cost to put it back to the way it was when I moved in..dank, dirty, nasty, drafty..( took new insulation and replaced the old stuff back ..along with musty carpet, and splinter hard wood flooring. ( All I asked was my deposit back, and one month to find a new place..but had to be out 22 days later. Instead of almost 2 mo. ( He shouldn't have been an a hole. ( His elderly father who I rented from, let me renovate aslong as i paid for it. And was the one who showed me the blocked off attic and basement he died. His nephew took over. Raised my rent. Didn't know about attic or basement untill the old lady he stick in a rest home asked, dear, did you ever get rid of the rats in the basement and attic? after you fixed it up. I tried to say..no. nephew looked around while I was at work. Then was going to charge me more rent, tried to rent but then only entrances exits were in my space.i wouldn't let him make mine smaller to make entrances, code enforcement said no. So he tried to say we were roommates..smh. no go. Lol this was in the 80's cherry on top..I had to get permits to do renovations..and I informed them I don't think it's up to code.


I would like to know why they put the wedding album in the kitchen ceiling. 🤔😄


Why is there is so many empty house and people sre still homeless 😮
