Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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Holly Firfer reports on a fitness instructor who is not letting rheumatoid arthritis stop her.
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I got diagnosed with RA last year in my hips and knees the pain was bad ..I since then I lost 40 pounds changed my diet to plant base and I’m also a personal trainer as well now ... I’m probably the healthiest I ever been. RA changed my life but I took control of it ! ✊🏽
Keep your heads up .


I was diagnosed with RA when I was in college. I was probably 18 at the time. I'm now 50 and busy repairing our parents' house. Stay healthy. Rest. Thank God every time.


Yesterday I was diagnosed with RA and I’m only 23. The struggle is this video helped me a lot to live my life normally. Sorry to hear that you all as well diagnosed with RA. I wish you all the best and we are strong enough to have a normal non painful live 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


I’m not trying to minimize her pain but I’m trying to figure out what her pain level is with 45 rheumatoid factor. Mine was 404 when I was diagnosed. Now because I’m on treatment, it’s at 200. While the treatment don’t get rid or alleviate the pain, if I go a week without it, I’d be bed bound. There’s not a day that goes by for the past 5 years that I don’t have pain. Don’t even get me started with the flares. I get those 3 to 4 days a week.
The day I wake up without any pain and fatigue, will be the best day of my life!


This trivializes one of the most debilitating painful diseases out there. This lady is EXTREMELY LUCKY most sufferers struggle getting out of bed.


Hi I'm Neka I'm 37 and I was diagnosed at the age of 16 with juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. I was working on my first job with no signs at all I worked my whole shift and as my shift ended and I was cashing out my register a pain so strong hit me in my chest and to make a long story short I rush to the ER just to be pumped with pain meds that wasn't bugging any of my pain but by the next morning it was over my entire body so my words to any young person or kid live your live to the fullest and enjoy every moment of it because with RA you never know the next day holds hope my words can be helpful to u 💖 sn: I'm currently taking this treatment :Enbrel, Meloxicam, Baclifen and a pain pill


So motivated by this. I was diagnosed at the age of 18. I am not going to let it stop me. 👏🏽


Inspiration 💕💕💕💕 i’m 41 years old and also have RA when I was 21 years old. The exercise help me a lot, thinking positive, do yoga, smiles every time with my self and people around me.

I had operated my knee 2 time, take injection (enbrel 50 mg) every week.

I still living and keep going with the exercise (work out, go to gym, ) 3-4 time a week.

Every thing is batter and better.

I hope everyone can find you best way to due with it and never give up.



this almost made me cry i am 31 and i have ra and to see her that good just made me feel like theres a way out of this deases


I needed this. I'm struggling. Thank you for this.


I had the symptoms from the age of 24 and when i finally had the cyclic citrullinated peptide test around the age of 35 it came back with a result of >250. I'm 40 now and hoping my current change in lifestye choices will at least help relieve me from furthering the torturous effects of this disease. Honestly, i've ignored treatment for so long and am fearful the drugs needed to help will do more damage than good at this point. Wish i stopped smoking weed, changed my diet and learned to better manage my stress a lot sooner. Don't be like me. Be more proactive with your health and your life. God Bless.


50 and was the fittest EVER beginning of this year. RA have me down for nearly 2 months now, this really motivated me that I could keep up my fitness life, as i was told to not do anything now until this infection wave is over other than walk slow...THATS HORRIBLE i feel like a OLD WOMAN i want to be vibrand and fit till i fall over. Thanx for the interviewl, ill keep searching the internet for more tips nos


I'm really happy I came across this video! I'm 27 years old with RA, and I stopped working out & I really miss working out ! Now I feel like I can get back in the gym, but just light weights only❣😇🙏🏾🙌🏾


Important to remember there is a wide scale when it comes to RA disease activity.

Some people, like this woman, have it mild, and it affects a few joints now and again, and never progresses beyond that.

For a lot of people, RA is a severe disease that causes daily pain and eventual erosion of joints, and they need strong dangerous medications just to try and slow the progression.


I was diagnosed at 16yrs old and finally I found the keto diet and working out along with Embrel, it's has given my life back I turned 40 this June and I couldn't be liberated and much more blissful


"devastating disease like Are you kidding me? If she has ANY RA I would be shocked!! I was a fitness freak and a professional skier when it hit me and I wheelchair bound within weeks!! my struggle with this illness for over 25 years has NEVER yielded results like this. This lady has no idea what RA is. She is a poor spokesman for this illness. no one I know that suffers with RA can train like her. This is a disgusting video.makes me want to present a REAL video. I think I will. She better not ever tell any RA person she "suffers " with RA because she might get a crack in the head!! signed "pissed off"


I was diagnosed with RA when i was 25 and the level was 255. At first i had no clue what's going on. It took me one year to gather myself. And Enbrel has helped alot in my case. And my doctor was told me if i keep on doing good there might come a time when this RA will be history. Lets hope for best

I'm not sure whether diet helps or not. But definitely exercise.


She says her RA factor was pretty high at 45...ok...then where's mine sitting at 375? So many foot surgeries to fix them, looking at both shoulders needing to be replaced as well as knees and hips in the future. Literally just had to have three vertebra in my neck fused. Nothing we have tried has worked. On Enbrel now for 4 months....only slight improvement with three flares while on it. So tired of this disease!!!! I want my life back!


This was so motivating... I’m 19 and was diagnosed 3 months ago. My RF was at 30 last time I got my blood work done so just hearing her experience and how hers was just as high as mine yet she keeps pushing through it is inspiring


I was diagnosed before the pandemic and when everything closed I was beyond overweight ( 4'6 and 160) along with being born with a heart murmur But I'm Back in the gym and I'm working on eating healthy and drinking lots of water👍🏾 I have RA, RA doesn't have me
