Is Checkers Simple And Solved?

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My Beginner's Guide To Winning Strategies in Checkers 🔽

Is checkers simple? Is checkers solved? Checkers (also known as draughts) is a game that probably everyone has played at least once. Most people consider it to be simple and solved. Or maybe checkers is more difficult than chess? I will ask this question of the distinguished chess grandmaster, Vassily Ivanchuk. In this video, I present whether the popular beliefs about checkers are true or not.

The checkers footage used in the video is by the photographer Adrian Franek 🔽

The thumbnail photo is by Paweł Suchecki

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0:00 - Checkers
0:19 - Is Checkers Solved?
2:10 - Chess or Checkers?
2:34 - Vassily Ivanchuk on Checkers
3:52 - Is Checkers Simple?
5:12 - Is It Worth Playing Checkers?
6:04 - Is Checkers a Sport?
7:45 - Want to Play Checkers?
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Do you play checkers?🤔 Let me know⬇


Being solved does not imply it is simple. From a purely computational perspective, being able to calculate all the possible positions says nothing about checker's complexity. It would be different if there was a simple algorithm that gives the optimal move given any position, without relying on previous computation (i.e. memorizing every position). So, for a human, it really doesn't matter if a computer can memorize every position. In fact, since the number of positions is so large, it doesn't make it any easier than chess in a practical sense.


Excellent and concise video! As you rightly stated - checkers (draughts) has simple rules and yet is a complex strategy board game. And as alluded to by Mr. Vassily Ivanchuk, it is a difficult game to master especially because of the multiple capture computations and calculations.

Overall, I prefer the 10x10 variant of draughts because it is far less reliant on a vast memorization of openings and patterns but focuses more on strategy and deep calculations, allowing you to develop your own style of play. Of course chess also requires deep calculations and strategy but as the great Bobby Fischer himself remarked - chess is more about pre-arrangement and memorization with creativity being lower down on the list - making chess less enjoyable as you advance.

Either way, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks as long as you are satisfied with which ever game you choose to invest your time.


I didnt understand the final of the world cup, how did she lose?, and also, why is the rival celebrating like that, it seems pretty disrespectful to me


You didnt disappoint when you said this was one of your best videos so far.


07:15 Always great to see sportmanschip in boardgames; for example when a winning player is keeping his/her composure out of respect and not rubbing in the opponent's blunder. Oh lord... 😅


Excellent content Boss and especially to the mathematical minds (like mine) who often look at mind games by its numbers. Draughts is a game of very simple rules which is their big advantage and disadvantage at once - advantage because everyone understand them and can START to play draughts without any training or preparation and disadvantage because to many people game of such simple rules must be a simple game and very likely you will have to fight with this myth by the end of the world cause 99% of the people have no interest to look closer into them and only way to change their opinion is to get across to them and educate by f.e. spreading videos like this one. I'm perfect example of person who got fascinated with draughts after realizing how this "simple game" is so complicated game in fact with number of possible outcomes impossible to get them all not only by any human but so far by computer too and the more people realize it, the more fans draughts (as a professional sport) will have. I was lucky to understand it rather quickly thanks to my math passion but how many people from the general public is passionate for math? Yeah exactly and that means you have to educate, educate and educate the people how this "simple game" is a complex game by making more content like this.


Absolutely brilliant content. Substantive, short and to the point! Way to go!❤👏💪


WOW, thank you for educating me!
I, like many others, have always thought of checkers as a child's game compared to chess!
This video has changed my perspective completely and busted all of the myths and stereotypes I have held about the game for my entire life... Thank you gain.
I will now go on giving checkers the respect it obviously deserves and maybe even try learning some theory!
Thanks again!!


Are there solvers (softwares used in chess and poker to study the optimal strategy) ?


Just started playing English Draughts, play chess but only a weak player, use to play draughts at school but didn’t realise how difficult draughts is. Any video on playing English Draughts would be great but also love playing Brazilian Draughts, so anything on getting started in this variation, openings, simple strategy etc great videos keep it up, lidraughts - Twoblackcheckers


Really good video, especially for those who are now starting in the game 👏


Could someone please what happened @7:20?


EL CHUCKY! ivanchuk playing draughts is always fun


I don't care about solvability: chess is just more fun to play.


What happens if a piece goes to the end of the board


Bardzo fajny film. Warcaby są trudne!!! Natalia tak się starała 👏


Checkers is a good game, but there are many more abstract games than chess and checkers.


I prefer chess over checkers, and it's clear that chess is the more "intellectual" game. But I hate the snobbery that chess is somehow better than checkers, or even that there's no point to playing checkers, because checkers is solved. Well guess what, when there's one piece and 7 pawns on the board, chess is solved, and that doesn't stop the snobs from playing/liking chess.


7:20 nigdy nie widziałem w szachach na arcymistrzowskim poziomie takiego okazywania radości w momencie gdy partia jeszcze trwała, nawet po partii raczej się nie zdarza coś takiego z szacunku dla rywala, szachy nie bez powodu nazywane są grą dżentelmenów, każdego szachistę takie zachowanie zbulwersuje
