I Am Sandy: Scott Cowdell

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Scott L. Cowdell retires on December 31, 2017 after serving for 28 years on the Sandy City Council as the representative of District 1. Scott was first elected to the City Council in November 1989, and served for 7 consecutive terms.

Scott has been a life-long resident of District 1, and a strong advocate for the Historic Sandy area. He has worked tirelessly to help preserve the historic character and nature of the community by improving its roads, sidewalks, parks, and street lights. Scott is a walking history book when it comes to his knowledge of Historic Sandy, often reciting various events that took place in the early years of Sandy and pinpointing their locations.

In addition to his love for Historic Sandy, Scott’s primary devotion has been to his wife, Betty, his six children and his many grandchildren, all of whom love him dearly.

As his public service ends and a new era begins, Sandy City expresses its deepest appreciation to Scott Cowdell for the impact he has had on the City, and the legacy he leaves for current and future generations of Sandy residents. He will be missed.
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