Nina Sotina - The 'hidden variables' in quantum mechanics and superfluid aether
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The "hidden variables" in quantum mechanics and superfluid aether.
By Dr. Nina Sotina
Currently no physical interpretation of the quantum formalism is offered that would not have contradictions within it or other physical theories.
Proponents of the orthodox (copenhgagen) interpretation have difficulty explaining the "essentially quantum effects" (for example,
teleportation of polarization of the photon). The alternative causal interpretation of quantum formalism suggests the existence of "hidden variables".
By Dr. Nina Sotina
Currently no physical interpretation of the quantum formalism is offered that would not have contradictions within it or other physical theories.
Proponents of the orthodox (copenhgagen) interpretation have difficulty explaining the "essentially quantum effects" (for example,
teleportation of polarization of the photon). The alternative causal interpretation of quantum formalism suggests the existence of "hidden variables".