The Power of Praying the Rosary Daily (w/ Fr. Gregory Pine) | The Catholic Gentleman

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It has been called the sword of the spiritual life. It can be a cornerstone and pillar of the family. We are discussing the Rosary today and 5 reasons, as well as a lot of practical advice, as to why men should pray the Rosary daily. Fr. Gregory Pine walks us through his life with the Rosary and the multiple truths contained within this powerful devotion. You are sure to gain insights and fuel for staying true to praying the Rosary daily.

Video Producer - Kyle O'Connor

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This popped up as I was doom scrolling on YouTube distracting myself from life. Well I started listening, stopped, and prayed my rosary and came back and finished the video.

When I converted 5 years ago the rosary was such a powerful practice that helped me during some real darkness. I need to go back this practice and discipline. Thanks for the encouragement to get back to it.


I used to have horrible nightmares every night and I woke up in despair, it was as if there was always an evil presence next to my bed just waiting for me to sleep to come and torment me, but after starting to pray the rosary this evil presence disappeared and today I can sleep a lot well thanks to GOD and our lady she hides me from the devil under her mantle, thank you holy mother


I don't know if this is permanent a month ago I was in severe depression after praying the entire rosary daily for 1 hour for the month of January my depression became mild Im functional and I even have happy moments.I want to thank
Mother Mary.I hope its permanent.May God be praised and to anyone in a low place never give up praying


Two things: my wife and I pray the Rosary daily ( after supper ) because (this time
around) OUR LADY asked for it . . no, commanded, no, INSTRUCTED the three children
to do so. Secondly, [ I'll be turning 79 next month ] I am finding that, since retirement
( nine years ago ), insight, understanding, wisdom, answers come [ quietly but "for sure" ]


i was struggling with habitual sin and was afraid of confession and refused to go and just did person acts of contrition. i was being attacked by demons all the time with gnarly thoughts of all sorts... these were of supernatural origin, and yet i still refused to go to confession. i started praying the rosary and would do it for a bit, and then quit, and then try again, and then quit. some guy on the internet (gabriel castillo) told me to try all 4 mysteries per day. so i did. after a week or so of that Mary came down, cleared out all the demons that were bothering me and making me afraid of confession in an instant. she replaced all that with a loving compulsion for confession (i couldn't sleep until i went... it had been 25 years) ive been every month since doing the 'every' first saturday devotion. Ave Maria. the power of Mary is amazing and will align you to Christ and God. i'm hooked and will (God willing) will never give up the rosary.

This is the weapon. the demons bothering me were INTENSE. one used to visit me in my dreams and abuse me. one attacked my faith, one my love of Mary, another wanted me to hurt myself, another... anger... etc... the rosary... has removed them all. i hear what the father is saying... but if you need it to be a nuclear bomb... the sweet loving Blessed Virgin Mary is GOING to show up and take you by the hand and take you with much haste right to the cross and her son and then everything is better. it's such a humbling experience.... i'm now a massive mammas boy. come at me bro. :-D


I have been praying the rosary for years. I have encountered too many miracles even in small ways. My life has its ups and downs. The rosary does not change my downs but it does changes my perspective. Our Lady helped me to trust her son Jesus Christ to live my life day by day without any fear and anxiety facing tomorrow


Thank you gentlemen. I humbly started praying the rosary daily on Feb 17, 2021. As discussed it has been both fruitful and dry, kind of like a beautiful wine. And thank you Fr. Pine for the discussion on externally showing of one’s faith and devotion. I wear my scapular, have a wrist rosary and a band on my wrist that says, “Here I am”. Then I also carry a rosary in my pocket. Sometimes I feel like I NEED to wear these. But I think I’m going to pare them down. I am a committed man of faith and if I carry myself with virtue then I should be fine with that. People will witness it without the decor. God bless.


I am not sure if i am the only one - and i do not intentionally say the rosary in my bed or lying down - but - if you happen to fall asleep while saying the rosary, the nuns say don't worry because the angels will finish it for you 😊


Might I just say that it’s impossible to pray the rosary daily for 3 months and not notice a difference, IMPOSSIBLE!!
Ave Maria.


I've been praying the rosary daily for over a year now and after the first week or so i was already cured of my porn addiction. To say it is a weapon is an understatement.

Exorcists have said that it is precisely the repetition of the prayers the demons cannot stand and will not stick around to hear more. For us its monotony but our Lady's rosary is as it is for good reason.

Pray the rosary daily, heal your soul, heal the world.

Ad Jesum per Mariam.
Ave Maria!


I say the rosary daily. Need a special intention today. 🙏Thank you.


Praying the Rosary for me is like taking a shower.


Thank you gentleman, I pray the rosary every day at Relevant Radio at 8pm on you tube, I love the fact that I know I'm praying with thousands of people around the world, I find that I feel connected with these people and the Blessed Mother, power of numbers.


Thank you for promoting the rosary. Daily rosary with pictures to help me meditate and focus. I pray it kneeling in daily mass. If at home, I kneel. If I get sleepy, I will pray it standing or walking. The evil one will cause people to be distracted and sleepy to prevent you from praying it. Don’t give up and do what helps you finish it. May God bless you 🙏🏼❤️


This is my first time viewing The Catholic Gentleman, Fr. Greg is awesome lol... Thank you so much for talking about the Holy Rosary in daily prayer. When Catholics think of the rosary most people think about elderly ladies praying these holy beads in church. I love Our Blessed Mother and Her Rosary, so many graces by the daily rosary and coming closer to Her and therefore coming closer to Christ!




The Rosary is one of many daily Catholic prayer rituals: e.g. The Angelus, morning and evening prayers, prayers before and after meals, Mass, …


I am making a habit to pray the rosary on my commute to work. Many times I have forgotten my beads. At those times, I use my own fingers to pray the decades. There's a certain cemetery that I pass on my way to work, and that flips the switch in my head and heart to pray for the suffering souls in purgatory... other times, I may offer up a rosary for my wife as well... what better prayer to pray for them than the holy rosary!! 🙏🏼


This was the best presentation on the rosary to men . I am a priest and discalced carmelite secular . I was off and on but now it’s essential . I will share this with other men . This was honest and makes rosary more accessible


At 9am every morning EWTN, Sanctuaire Notre~Dame de Lourdes, broadcasts live the rosary being prayed at the grotto, Lourdes France. This has beautifully deepened my praying the rosary, with others. The rosary is truly a priceless treasure.
