Jim & Lisa's Story - How the Dual Sympathetic Reset Helped Relieve Anxiety & PTSI/PTSD Symptoms

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Dr. Beauchamp was first introduced to the dual sympathetic reset (DSR) - an advanced stellate ganglion block (SGB) - by his wife, Lisa, after she read The Invisible Machine.

As a chiropractor, the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems are common terms within Dr. Beauchamp's field. But DSR SGB for anxiety, ptsd/ptsi and depression isn't well-known within his community.

Dr. Beauchamp first received DSR SGB treatment after experiencing debilitating anxiety and panic attacks which caused him to miss work. After witnessing his profound results, Lisa received DSR SGB shortly after for her symptoms of post traumatic stress injury.Lisa and Dr. Beauchamp have found their own version of relief individually, and as a couple.

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I applied for a "scholarship" and haven't heard back. I pray everyday for a text saying I'm in.
